There are eleven principles of collaborative problem solving. Such collaboration is an inclusionary process that promotes lateral communication and shared decision-making. It helps stakeholder groups to develop policy recommendations on a variety of public issues. The eleven principles are listed below:
- Purpose-Driven. People need a reason to participate in the process.
- Inclusive, Not Exclusive. All parties with a significant interest in the issues should be involved in the collaborative process.
- Educational. The process relies on mutual education of all participants.
- Voluntary. The parties who are affected or interested participate voluntarily.
- Self-Designed. All parties have an equal opportunity to participate in designing the collaborative process. The process must be explainable and designed to meet the circumstances and needs of the situation.
- Flexible. Flexibility should be designed into the process to accommodate changing issues, data needs, political environment, and programmatic constraints such as time and meeting arrangements.
- Egalitarian. All parties have equal access to relevant information and the opportunity to participate effectively throughout the process.
- Respectful. Acceptance of the diverse values, interests, and knowledge of the parties involved in the collaborative process is essential.
- Accountable. The participants are accountable both to their constituencies and to the processthat they have agreed to establish.
- Time Limited. Realistic deadlines are necessary throughout the process.
- Achievable. Commitments made to achieve the agreement(s) and effective monitoring are essential.
Source: Natural Resources Research Institute