Preserving Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis:
The Significance and Symbolism of the Blue Shield Emblem

Hari Srinivas
Case Study Series C-021.

T he blue shield emblem refers to the symbol of the Blue Shield International, an organization dedicated to protecting cultural heritage during times of conflict, natural disasters and other emergency situations. It is part of the larger emblem of the International Committee of the Blue Shield (ICBS), which consists of a blue shield with the protection symbol of a white three-dimensional cube.

The Blue Shield organization works in collaboration with other international bodies such as the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the International Council of Museums (ICOM) to safeguard cultural heritage sites, museums, libraries, archives, and other important cultural assets. Their efforts aim to mitigate the damage and loss of cultural heritage caused by armed conflicts, acts of terrorism, and natural disasters.

Implementation of the Blue Shield Emblem

The implementation of the Blue Shield emblem is carried out through the coordination and efforts of national Blue Shield committees and affiliated organizations in each ( signatoryCountries that have acceded to, or agreed to, the 1954 Hague Convention - currently 133 countries worldwide. ) country. Here is a general overview of the implementation process:

  1. Establishment of National Blue Shield Committees: Each country that is a signatory to the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict typically establishes a national Blue Shield committee. This committee consists of representatives from relevant professional organizations, such as heritage conservation bodies, museums, libraries, archives, and military organizations.
    As of September 2021, there were 133 countries that ratified the 1954 Hague Convention, indicating their commitment to the protection of cultural heritage during armed conflicts and other emergency situations.

  2. Designation of Blue Shield Emblems: The national Blue Shield committees are responsible for designating and authorizing the use of the Blue Shield emblem within their respective countries. They ensure that the emblem is used appropriately and in accordance with the principles of the 1954 Hague Convention.

  3. Authorization and Oversight: The national Blue Shield committees authorize and oversee the use of the Blue Shield emblem by individuals, organizations, and institutions involved in the protection and preservation of cultural heritage, particularly in times of armed conflict or natural disasters.

  4. Collaboration and Cooperation: National Blue Shield committees collaborate with relevant governmental agencies, armed forces, emergency services, and cultural heritage organizations to raise awareness about the emblem and its significance. They promote cooperation and provide guidance on the protection of cultural heritage during times of crisis.

  5. Training and Education: National Blue Shield committees may organize training programs, workshops, and educational initiatives to enhance the understanding of the emblem's meaning and the importance of safeguarding cultural heritage. This includes training for military personnel, emergency responders, cultural heritage professionals, and the public.

  6. International Coordination: The national Blue Shield committees also work in close collaboration with the International Committee of the Blue Shield (ICBS), which serves as the umbrella organization for national committees worldwide. The ICBS facilitates international cooperation, provides guidance, and represents the Blue Shield community at the international level.

  7. Promotion and Advocacy: National Blue Shield committees actively promote the use and recognition of the Blue Shield emblem among stakeholders involved in cultural heritage protection. They advocate for the integration of the emblem into relevant policies, legislation, and operational procedures.

Besides the use of the Blue Shield emblem on designated assets, the process involves awareness raising and training, technical support for governments on heritage preservation, and setting up of national Blue Shield Committees.

International Heritage Conventions

The Blue Shield emblem works in conjunction with a number of international conventions related to heritage protection, towards their ratification and implementation. These conventions include:

The Conventions look at cultural property including monuments of architecture, museums, monuments, archaeological sites, archives, libraries and audio-visual material, significant natural areas, intangible heritage, art or history, archaeological sites, works of art, manuscripts, books and other objects of artistic, historical or archaeological interest regardless of their origin or ownership.

Blue Shield in the Asia-Pacific Region In the Asia-Pacific region, several initiatives have embraced the Blue Shield's mission:

  • Japan: In 2012, the Japan Consortium for International Cooperation in Cultural Heritage organized a seminar titled "Blue Shield and Cultural Property Emergency Rescue: The Role and Importance of the National Committee." This event emphasized the significance of the Blue Shield in Japan's cultural property emergency responses, especially after experiences like the Great East Japan Earthquake.

  • Australia: Blue Shield Australia, established in 2005, is dedicated to protecting cultural heritage from threats such as armed conflict and natural disasters. It operates under the guidance of Blue Shield International and collaborates with various Australian cultural organizations to promote disaster preparedness and response.

  • New Zealand: Blue Shield New Zealand was established to coordinate efforts in protecting cultural heritage from natural and human-made disasters.

  • South Korea: Efforts have been made to integrate Blue Shield principles into national heritage protection strategies, focusing on disaster preparedness and response.

  • Philippines: Initiatives have been undertaken to raise awareness about the importance of safeguarding cultural properties, aligning with Blue Shield objectives.

Blue Shield Designation Criteria

The Blue Shield is an international organization that aims to protect cultural heritage during armed conflicts and other emergencies. The designation of a "Blue Shield" heritage property or asset is based on several criteria that assess its cultural, historical, and societal significance. While the specific criteria may vary between different national committees and contexts, some common factors considered for designation include:

  1. Cultural Significance: The property should possess exceptional cultural, historical, artistic, scientific, religious, or educational value. It may be associated with important events, figures, or periods in history, or represent a significant aspect of a community's cultural heritage.

  2. Vulnerability: The property should be at risk of damage, destruction, or looting due to armed conflict, natural disasters, or other emergencies. Vulnerability can be assessed based on factors such as geographical location, political instability, or existing threats.

  3. Integrity and Authenticity: The property should retain its original form, materials, design, and function to the extent possible. It should possess a high degree of integrity and authenticity, reflecting its historical and cultural significance.

  4. International, National, or Local Recognition: The property may have received recognition and protection at the international, national, or local level through legal frameworks, listings, or designations such as World Heritage status, national monument status, or local heritage site designation.

  5. Importance to Communities: The property may hold significant value and meaning for local communities, indigenous peoples, or other stakeholders. Their perspectives and involvement in the preservation and protection of the property may be taken into account.

  6. Documentation and Research: The property should have sufficient documentation, research, and knowledge available to support its cultural and historical significance. This may include archival records, historical research, expert assessments, or other forms of documentation.

  7. Feasibility of Protection: The property's protection should be feasible and practical, taking into consideration available resources, local capacity, and the potential for collaboration with relevant stakeholders, including government authorities, heritage organizations, and the local community.

It's important to note that the designation of a "Blue Shield" heritage property or asset is typically determined by national committees or relevant authorities within each country, in accordance with international guidelines and agreements such as the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict. The specific criteria and processes may vary between countries.

Relation between Blue Shield and World Heritage Sites

While the Blue Shield primarily focuses on the protection of cultural heritage during armed conflicts and disasters, including sites that are not necessarily inscribed on the World Heritage List, there is a connection between the two processes.

Some World Heritage Sites are at risk during armed conflicts or natural disasters, making them a concern for both the Blue Shield and the World Heritage Sites process. The protection and preservation of these sites align with the objectives of both initiatives.

The organizations responsible - Blue Shield International and UNESCO - work together to safeguard cultural heritage. They collaborate on initiatives related to emergency preparedness, risk assessment, capacity-building, and raising awareness. The Blue Shield's expertise in emergency response complements UNESCO's ongoing efforts in heritage conservation.

The 1954 Hague Convention, which the Blue Shield process promotes, highlights the importance of protecting cultural heritage, including World Heritage Sites, during armed conflicts. It recognizes the need to respect and safeguard such sites.

While the Blue Shield process focuses on the protection of cultural heritage during armed conflicts and disasters, it aligns with the goals of the World Heritage Sites process in terms of preserving exceptional sites of universal value. Collaboration and coordination between the two initiatives contribute to the overall objective of safeguarding cultural heritage for present and future generations.

Beyond Armed Conflicts

The Blue Shield emblem is not limited to countries with armed conflict. While the primary focus of the Blue Shield is the protection of cultural property during armed conflicts, the emblem is also be used in other situations where cultural heritage is at risk, such as natural disasters, civil unrest, or other emergencies.

The emblem serves as a symbol of the commitment to safeguarding cultural heritage and can be displayed by individuals, organizations, or institutions involved in the protection and preservation of cultural property, including museums, libraries, archives, and heritage organizations.

The use of the emblem indicates a dedication to the principles and objectives of the Blue Shield, regardless of the specific circumstances or location.

Preparing for potential threats Heritage property owners can take several steps to prepare for potential threats:
  1. Conduct a risk assessment: Heritage property owners should identify potential threats and assess the risks associated with them. This can help them develop a plan for mitigating those risks.
  2. Develop an emergency plan: In the event of a threat, heritage property owners should have an emergency plan in place. This plan should include evacuation procedures, communication protocols, and a list of emergency contacts.
  3. Install security measures: Heritage property owners should consider installing security measures such as alarms, cameras, and fencing to deter potential threats.
  4. Maintain the property: Regular maintenance of the property can help prevent damage from natural disasters and other threats. This includes repairing roofs, windows, and other structural components.
  5. Educate staff and visitors: Heritage property owners should educate staff and visitors about potential threats and what to do in the event of an emergency.

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