Grameen Bank, Bangladesh

Grameen Foundation

Please contact Alex Counts, the executive director of Grameen Foundation, for any information you may need relating to Grameen Bank and its family of enterprises and the program of activities of Grameen replication network. The objectives of Grameen Foundation are:

  • Promote the Grameen philosophy in the Americas, particularly by representing Grameen at conferences and other gatherings;
  • Help mobilize the resources necessary to ensure that 10 million poor people benefit from Grameen replication programs by 2005;
  • Disseminate information and publications about Grameen;
  • Support the adoption and expansion of Grameen Bank replication programs in both Latin America and North America;
  • Forge partnerships to benefit the poor with NGOs, businesses, philanthropies, governmental and international organizations, universities and the public;
  • Market products produced by Grameen Bank borrowers and Grameen companies; and
  • Establish a microcredit library for public and scholarly use.

Grameen Foundation, in partnership with the Brande Foundation, will manage a U.S. based effort to raise a significant amount of the $100 million to be raised for Grameen Trust through the People’s Fund. People in the U.S. should send their tax-deductible contributions to the People’s Fund to Grameen Foundation, which is a tax-exempt 501(c) (3) non-profit organization, at the following address:

Alex Counts
Executive Director
Grameen Foundation
236 Massachusetts Ave. NE#300
Washington DC 20002, USA.
Phone: 202 - 543 - 2636
Fax: 202 - 543 - 7512

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