Grameen Bank, Bangladesh

Pilot projects that have adopted the Grameen Approach

Amanah Iktiar, Malaysia

Date Started: January, 1986

Implementing Institution:
Centre for Policy Research (USM) - Science University, Malaysia

Period of reference: June, 1991

No. of borrowers:
Male - 95
Female - 5,523
Total - 5,618

Average amount of loan: USD 166

Total loans disbursed: USD 933,680

Interest rate charged: USD 75 (fixed administrative fee for each loan)

Savings mobilization:
Group fund - USD 140,497
Emergency fund - ...
Total - 140,497

Number of centres organized: 392

Number of villages coverd: 885

Projek Usahmaju, Malaysia

Date Started: August 1988

Implementing Institution:
Rural Development Corporation or KPD IDS (Sabah)

Period of reference: June 1991

No. of borrowers:
Male - 93
Female - 1,940
Total - 2,033

Average amount of loan: USD 300

Total loans disbursed: USD 611,510

Interest rate charged: 7%

Savings mobilization:
Group fund - USD 57,150
Emergency fund - USD 21,763
Total - USD78,913

Number of centres organized: ...

Number of villages coverd: 291

Project Dungganon, Negros, Philippines

Date Started: May 1989

Implementing Institution: Negros Women for Tommorrow Foundation

Period of reference: September 1991

No. of borrowers:
Male - ...
Female - 2,693
Total - 2,695

Average amount of loan: USD 49

Total loans disbursed: USD 132,138

Interest rate charged: 20%

Savings mobilization:
Group fund - USD 8,282
Emergency fund - USD 2,489
Total - USD 10,771

Number of centres organized: 108

Number of villages coverd: 51

Ahon sa Hirap, Laguna, Philippines

Date Started: January 1989

Implementing Institution:
University of the Philippines

Period of reference: August 19911

No. of borrowers:
Male - ...
Female - 202
Total - 282

Average amount of loan: USD 53

Total loans disbursed: USD 14,884

Interest rate charged: 16%

Savings mobilization:
Group fund - USD 1,048
Emergency fund - USD 229
Total - USD 1,278

Number of centres organized: 17

Number of villages coverd: 16

Karya Usaha Mandin, Indonesia

Date Started: January 1989

Implementing Institution:
Centre for Agro-socio-econmic Research Agency for
Agricultural Research and Development, Ministry of Agriculture

Period of reference: July 1991

No. of borrowers:
Male - 40
Female - 230
Total - 270

Average amount of loan: USD 35

Total loans disbursed: UUSD 8,871

Interest rate charged: 40%

Savings mobilization:
Group fund - USD 1,523
Emergency fund - ...
Total - USD 1,523

Number of centres organized: 17

Number of villages coverd: 6

Savecred, Sri Lanka

Date Started: 18 February 1989 (Staggered basis)

Implementing Institution:
Redd Barna Sri Lanka

Period of reference: June 1991

No. of borrowers:
Male - 125
Female - 1,059
Total - 1,184

Average amount of loan: USD 52

Total loans disbursed: USD 61,607

Interest rate charged: ...

Savings mobilization:
Group fund - USD 5,905
Emergency fund - USD 1,201
Total - USD 7,106

Number of centres organized: 31

Number of villages coverd: 6 districts

... Not available
USD equivalant of local currency (1990-91)
Getubig, Ismael, 1991 "Replication and scaling up of credit programmes focussing on poor women". Paper presented at the Regional Consultation on the Economic Advancement of Rural Women in Asia and the Pacific, Malaysia, 15-21 Septeber 1991. IFAD, Rome.

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