NGO Projects in the Financial Sector: Case Examples

- ANADEGES, Mexico
- Type of Organization: National network of NGOs
- Target group: Small farmers
- Activities: Partnership promotion activities including credit for micro projects within the target group
- Objective/future plan: Link up with the formal bank system
- CONGAT, Togo
- Type of Organization: NGO
- Target group: Self-help group of small farmers and craftmen
- Activities: Technical consultancy; promotion of institutions; credit programmes
- Objective/future plan: Work with external Governmental donor organizations
- Cooperative Consumer Society, Mexico
- Type of Organization: Cooperative Self-help Organization
- Target group: Small farmers
- Activities: Integrated cooperative concept
- Objective/future plan: . . .
- Cooperative Credit Programme, Philippines
- Type of Organization: Cooperation project between Philline and German NGOs
- Target group: Independent self-help organizations, cooperatives.
- Activities: Consultancy and financing of small agricultural projects and cooperatives
- Objective/future plan: Work with international donor organizations
- Quedan-Guarantee Fund, Philippines
- Type of Organization: Government Organization
- Target group: Enterprises and farming cooperatives
- Activities: Distribution of guarantees for loans
- Objective/future plan: Work with international donor organizations
- BPB-GAPI, Mozambique
- Type of Organization: Cooperation project between development bank and an NGO
- Target group: small business
- Activities: technical consultancy; distribution of credit; political consultancy for govt. organization
- Objective/future plan: Work with international donor organizations
Hari Srinivas -
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