Bibliography on
Islamic Banking |
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Abdallah, A., 1987. 'Islamic banking', Journal of Islamic Banking and
Finance, January-March, 4(1): 31-56.
Abdeen, A.M. and Shook, D.N., 1984. The Saudi Financial System, J.
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June: 57-60.
Ahmad, Sheikh Mahmud, l952. Economics of Islam, Lahore.
____, n.d. 'Interest and Unemployment', Islamic Studies, Islamabad,
VIII (l): 9-46.
Al-Arabi, Mohammad Abdullah, l966. 'Contemporary banking transactions
and Islam's views thereon', Islamic Review, London, May l966: l0-l6.
Al-Jarhi, Ma'bid Ali, l983. 'A monetary and financial tructure for an
interest- free economy, institutions, mechanism and policy', in
Ziauddin, Ahmad et al. (eds.), Money and Banking in Islam,
International Centre for Research in Islamic Economics, Jeddah, and
Institute of Policy Studies, Islamabad.
Ali, M. (ed.) l982. Islamic Banks and Strategies of Economic
Cooperation, New Century Publishers, London. ____ (ed.) 1984. Papers
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DiVanna, Joseph, A., Understanding Islamic Banking: The Value Proposition that Transcends Cultures, Cambridge: Leonardo and Francis Press, 2006-08-28
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El-Din, A.K., 1986. 'Ten years of Islamic banking', Journal of Islamic
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System of Islamic Financial Instruments, organized by the Ministry of
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of South-east Asian Studies, Singapore.
Homoud, S.H., 1985. Islamic Banking, Arabian Information, London.
Huq, Azizul, l986. 'Utilization of financial investments: a case study
of Bangladesh', paper submitted to the Seminar on Developing a System
of Is lamic Financial Instruments, organized by the Ministry of
Finance Malaysia and the Islamic Development Bank, Kuala Lumpur.
Iqbal, Zubair and Mirakhor, Abbas, l987. Islamic Banking,
International Monetary Fund Occasional Paper 49, Washington D.C.
Irshad, S.A., l964. Interest-Free Banking, Orient Press of Pakistan,
Kahf, Monzer, l982a. 'Saving and investment functions in a two-sector
Islamic economy', in M. Ariff (ed.) , above.
____ l982b. 'Fiscal and monetary policies in an Islamic economy', in
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Karsten, I., 1982. 'Islam and financial intermediation', IMF Staff
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Khan, Abdul Jabbar, l986. 'Non-interest banking in Pakistan: a case
study', paper presented to the Seminar on Developing a System of
Islamic Financial Instruments, organized by the Ministry of Finance
Malaysia and the Islamic Development Bank, Kuala Lumpur.
Khan, M. Fahim, l983. 'Islamic banking as practised now in the world'
in Ziauddin, Ahmad et al. (eds.).
Khan, M. S.,1986.'Islamic interest-free banking', I M F Staff Papers,
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____, 1987 'Principles of monetary policy in an Islamic framework',
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____, and Mirakhor, A., 1986. 'The framework and practice of Islamic
banking', Finance and Development, September.
____ and ____, 1987 Theoretical Studies in Islamic Banking and Finance
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____ and ____ forthcoming (1988). 'The financial system and monetary
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Islam', Islamic Literature, Karachi, XIV (4): 5-l6.
____ n.d. 'International monetary crisis, causes and cure', The
Criterion, Karachi, 6 (2): 5-l9.
Khan, W.M., l985. Towards an Interest-Free Islamic Economic System,
The Islamic Foundation, Leicester.
Man, Zakariya, l988. 'Islamic banking: the Malaysian experience', in
M. Ariff (ed.), above.
Mannan, M.A., l970. Islamic Economics, Lahore.
Mastura, Michael O., l988. 'Islamic banking: the Philippine
experience', in M. Ariff (ed.), above.
Mayfield, James, 1971, 'The Rural Politics of Nasser's Egypt', University of Texas Press
Mirakhor, Abbas, 1986. 'Some theoretical aspects of an Islamic
financial system', paper presented at a Conference on Islamic Banking
sponsored by the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Tehran,
11-14 June.
Mohsin, M., l982. 'Profile of riba-free banking', in M. Ariff (ed.),
Naqvi, S.N.H., l98l. Ethics and Economics: An Islamic Synthesis, The
Islamic Foundation, Leicester.
____, l982. 'Interest rate and intertemporal allocative efficiency in
an Islamic economy', in M. Ariff (ed.), above.
Naughton, S.A.J. and Tahir, M.A., 1988. 'Islamic banking and financial
devel opment', Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance, 5 (2).
Nienhaus, V., l983. 'Profitability of Islamic PLS banks competing with
interest banks: problems and prospects', Journal of Research in
Islamic Economics, l(l):37-47.
____, l986. 'Islamic economics, finance and banking - theory and
practice', Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance, 3(2):36-54.
____, l988. 'The performance of Islamic banks - trends and cases',
paper presented to the Conference on Islamic Law and Finance, convened
in the University of London, 8 April.
Partadireja, Ace, 1974. 'Rural credit: the Ijon system', Bulletin of
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Qureshi, Anwar Iqbal, l946. Islam and the Theory of Interest, Lahore.
Rahardjo, Dawam, 1988. 'Islamic banking in Indonesia?' in M. Ariff
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Rahman, Fazalur, n.d. 'Riba and interest', Islamic Studies, Karachi,
Ready, R.K., l98l. 'The march toward self-determination', paper
presented at the First Advanced Course on Islamic Banks, International
Institute of Islamic Banking and Economics, Cairo, 28 August - l7
Rosa, D.A., 1986. 'Islamic financial policies and domestic resource
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Salama, Abidin Ahmad, l986. 'Utilisation of financial instruments: a
case study of Faisal Islamic Bank (Sudan)', paper submitted to the
Seminar on Developing a System of Islamic Financial Instruments,
organized by the Ministry of Finance Malaysia and the Islamic
Development Bank, Kuala Lumpur.
Scharf, T.W., 1983. Arab and Islamic Banks, OECD, Paris.
Siddiqi, M.N., l982. 'Islamic Approaches to Money, Banking and
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____, l983a. Banking Without Interest, The Islamic Foundation,
____, 1983b. Issues in Islamic Banking, Islamic Foundation, Leicester.
____, 1985. Partnership and Profit-Sharing in Islamic Law, Islamic
Foundation, Leicester.
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Su'ud, M. Abu, n.d. 'The economic order within the general conception
of the Islamic way of life', Islamic Review, London, 55 (2): 24-26 and
(3): ll-l4.
Udovitch, Abraham L., l970. Partnership and Profit in Medieval Islam,
Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J.
Uzair, Mohammad, l955. An Outline of `Interestless Banking', Raihan
Publica tions, Karachi.
____, l982. 'Central banking operations in an interest-free banking
system', in M. Ariff (ed.), above.
Zaidi, N.A., l987. 'Profit rates policy for PLS depositors', Journal
of Islamic Banking and Finance, 4 (4): 35-46.
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