Topics for microfinance training programmes
- Financial Instruments to enable Graduation of Clients
Credit Bureaus
Micro leasing
Venture capital
linking with commercial banks
- Group Lending; recent theoretical advances
- Group lending: Practice
Flexible payment schedule; bi-weekly and monthly, limited liability instead of joint liability
- Mobilization of Voluntary Savings
- Targeting the Hard-core poor
- Creating enabling environment for micro-credit institution
- New product development for the MFIs, e.g., micro-leasing, loan for family members, flexible savings schemes and smart
- Internal governance issue at MFIs
Graying of the management and line of succession at the flagship institutions.
- Financing of MFIs
issue bonds, instruments based on income receivable, raising funds in the developed stock market a la Accion and the associated FOREX exposure risk.
- Beyond forced saving; mobilizing of saving by MFIS, pension scheme
- Replication of successful MFI models
- Borrowers sustainability
- Information technology and the MFIs
- Wholesaling of micro-credit and Apex Organization
- Link-up projects
- Micro-credit for marginal and small farmers
- Credit guarantee schemes
- Over crediting and the possibility of cross-financing?
- Micro-Macro linkages
- Legal and regulatory framework for the success of Micro-credit
- Micro-credit for unusual circumstances, e.g., refugee resettlement, resettlement after natural disaster and civil war.
- Micro credit for men.
- "Upscaling"- Transformation of NGOs into formal and non-bank
financial institutions; Accessing Capital Markets
- "Downscaling"- Microfinance windows within formal financial
- MFI Employee Incentive Schemes
- Management of Information Systems
- Qualitative and Participatory Methodologies for monitoring
- Start-up Models and Considerations including building on existing
- Cultural considerations in Programming and Product Development
- Leadership training for microfinance professionals.
Source: Posted on the Devfinance mailing list
Hari Srinivas - hsrinivas@gdrc.org
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