by Linda Mayoux1
A Briefing Paper prepared for the Micro Credit Summit, Washington, February 1997
Microfinance programmes are currently being promoted as a key strategy for
simultaneously addressing both poverty alleviation and women's empowerment. Where
financial service provision leads to the setting up or expansion of micro-enterprises
there are a range of potential impacts including:
- increasing women's income levels and control over income leading to greater
levels of economic independence
- access to networks and markets giving wider experience of the world outside
the home, access to information and possibilities for development of other social and
political roles
- enhancing perceptions of women's contribution to household income and family
welfare, increasing women's participation in household decisions about expenditure and
other issues and leading to greater expenditure on women's welfare
- more general improvements in attitudes to women's role in the household and
Microfinance programmes targeting women have been a welcome corrective to
previous neglect of women's productive role. For some women in some contexts
microfinance programmes have indeed set in motion a process of empowerment where
all the above elements have been mutually reinforcing. There are many anecdotal case
studies in NGO reports of women who have shown considerable initiative, increasing
their income and improving their status in the family and community, particularly after
a series of loans.
There has however been no systematic, cross-cultural comparative study of the ways in
which microfinance programmes contribute to women's empowerment or the contexts
and organizational frameworks within which this occurs. Material collated in a pilot
research project co-ordinated by the author indicates that automatic benefits to women
cannot be assumed even in the most innovative programmes.2 Many evaluations of
microfinance programmes have assumed that high take-up and repayment levels
indicate positive impact on women and have not investigated further. Some have
anecdotal information from participatory consultations and gender workshops. Existing
detailed studies of empowerment, mainly in Bangladesh, have used different
definitions of empowerment and different methods of investigation and reached rather
different conclusions, even about the same organisations3. Nevertheless, despite the
patchy nature of information, and debates about the impact of particular organizations,
it is clear that:
- Many programmes have had negative as well as positive impacts on women.
Where women have set up enterprises this has often led to small increases in access to
income at the cost of heavier work loads and repayment pressures. In many cases the
loans have been used by men to set up enterprises over which women have little
control. In some cases they have been employed as unpaid family workers with little
benefit. In others there have been indirect benefits and improvements in various aspects
of women's well-being as a result of greater recognition of their role in the household
and community. In some cases women's increased autonomy has been temporary and
led to withdrawal of male support (see Box 1). In some programmes there are
increasing fears that women's small increases in income are leading to a decrease in
male contribution to certain types of household expenditure.
- Within schemes, impacts often vary significantly between women. There are
differences between women in different productive activities and between women from
different backgrounds. In some contexts schemes mainly benefit women who are
already better off. In others poorer women are freer and more motivated to use credit
for production. In most cases the poorest women are by-passed in both individual and
group-lending programmes or are least able to benefit because of their initial low
resource base, lack of skills and market contacts. There are also individual differences
between women from similar background and within the same industries.
- Positive impact on non-participants cannot be assumed, even where women
participants are able to benefit. Women micro-entrepreneurs are frequently in
competition with each other and the poorest micro-entrepreneurs may be disadvantaged
if programmes do not include them. Where women employ labourers it cannot be
assumed that they give better wages and conditions of work than men (Mayoux 1995a).
Benefits for women's families cannot be assumed. Women may employ daughters and
daughters-in-law as unpaid family labourers increasing their workload. Although
increased family income channelled through women often benefits children
considerably, anecdotal evidence suggests they may often still prioritise the interests of
boy children. Negative impacts are even more likely where women do not control the
The case of Edith Kagino in Uganda
Edith Kagino is married, with seven children, and she lives in a house on a small piece
of land. Before she married, she used to help her mother to keep the cattle in Luwero,
where she developed an interest in dairy. After marriage she worked in the workshop of
her husband. She is an honest and hard working woman.
In 1991 she opened a savings account with the Uganda Women Finance and Credit
Trust and she has been a regular saver. She acquired a loan in 1992, for two in-calf
heifers and for the construction of a small cow shed. She planted napier grass to feed
the cows. Edith started off very well, with the first cow calving normally. Problems
started when her husband instructed her to go back to the workshop. She could no
longer take care of the cows, and eventually she lost one of them. She had discussions
with her husband on this, but he insisted that she should remain in the workshop. Edith
was eventually chased away from her home by her husband. She had to find shelter for
herself and her seven children. The husband claimed the cows as his so she was not
allowed to take them.
After some months, with the help of in-laws, the husband called her back. But he had
already sold the roofing sheets and construction materials of the cowshed and all grass
was gone. She got pregnant again, and now the husband has decided to live with
another wife. Edith's project is in a shambles. At the moment she is recovering from
the shock, trying to start again. Edith's projects is marked as a doubtful debt.
Source: Adapted from Uganda Women Finance and Credit Trust: Evaluation Report
1991-1993, p20.
Moreover, increased funding has been accompanied by pressures from donors to adopt
a financial systems approach which prioritises cost efficiency and financial
sustainability. These emphases have been a reaction to inefficiency, low repayments
and lack of impact of many previous microfinance programmes. This approach takes
demand for credit and repayment levels as indicators of success, requires microfinance
programmes to be ultimately self-sustaining and preferably making a profit. These
emphases favour large organisations in order to benefit from economies of scale and
group lending where groups take much of the responsibility for savings and loan
repayment (Otero and Rhyne 1994).
Targeting women is being increasingly advocated because of evidence of their higher
repayment rates. However, evidence suggests that the prioritisation of cost efficiency
and financial sustainability may further dilute the potential contribution of microfinance
programmes to women's empowerment. This is particularly the case where there is an
implicit (and in some cases explicit) prioritisation of donor interests.
- Impact on empowerment cannot be inferred from take-up of financial services
or repayment levels. Women may repay through taking loans elsewhere and getting into
serious debt. As noted above, loans may be controlled by men. Some researchers have
expressed concerns that women's microfinance programmes may be merely using
women as unpaid debt collectors mediating between development agencies and male
family members, increasing their dependency on men and/or conflicts between women
to fulfil repayment targets (eg Goetz and Sen Gupta 1996; Noponen 1990).
- The overriding concern with repayment rates puts further pressures on groups
to exclude those likely to experience greatest problems ie the poorest (Hulme and
Mosley 1996; Montgomery 1996; Noponen 1990)
- In some cases increased funding for large organisations has led to the squeezing
out of smaller organisations in the same area who may have been challenging gender
subordination on a wider basis (Arn and Lily 1992; Ebdon 1994). The degree to which
this is a result of women's own decision to switch allegiance because of better credit
terms, or because of pressure from men to get access to credit while maintaining their
own power, is unclear.
- In some cases adoption of this approach has led to cutbacks in support services.
There are dangers that the concern with short-term cost-efficiency may jeopardise long
term organizational and client sustainability. Long-term sustainability requires both
attention to developing the skills, earning capacity and empowerment of clients and
institutional learning which may entail substantial costs in the short term (Johnson and
Rogaly 1996).
In view of these potential disbenefits to women, there is an urgent need for evaluation
of the impact of programmes on women's empowerment. We know very little about the
relative numbers of women within most programmes who benefit or fail to benefit,
who these women are, or the contextual and organisational factors influencing this.
Importantly for most women in most programmes it is likely that the contribution of
microfinance services to empowerment could be enhanced through a combination of
changes in the way services are delivered; more effective support services; or linkage
with services provided by other agencies including organisations challenging gender
subordination directly.
Impact evaluations are likely to be more reliable and have clearer relevance for policy if
they are clearly linked to the development of a more comprehensive framework for
participatory planning. Women's needs in relation to microfinance are diverse, context-specific and change over time (Johnson and Rogaly 1996). Evidence also indicates
differences between women within programmes and between women and development
agencies about the aims of microfinance programmes. (Mayoux 1997a,c). The only
way in which such flexibility and diversity can be adequately addressed to ensure
benefit to women is through a participatory planning process.
The need for such a process is signalled both within the financial systems approach
itself (eg the insistence on market relevance and group lending) and empowerment
approaches where the need for grassroots participation is assumed. However,
experience suggests the need to address some of the shortcomings of existing systems
of participation. Participation takes time, skills and resources which are often in scarce
supply, particularly for very poor women, and 'participation' per se is not necessarily
empowering (Mayoux 1995b). In relation to microfinance programmes, evidence
suggests that women often prefer individual rather than group loans and that in many
contexts group formation has been problematic. As discussed above, savings and credit
groups often discriminate against very poor and disadvantaged women. Groups do not
necessarily go on to question or address wider issues of gender subordination limiting
women's ability to increase and control incomes or achieve their other aspirations.
There has been no comparative study of the ways in which different types and levels of
participation in microfinance programmes affect women's empowerment. Any
proposals at this stage therefore can only be tentative. It is likely that a framework for
participation would consist of a number of possible elements as outlined in Box 2.
Establishing an ongoing system of participatory consultation would be an important
step towards client sustainability through making information on linkages between
microfinance and empowerment, ways of increasing income and control over income
and other strategies directly available to the women concerned.The findings of
participatory research would also be a useful tool in lobbying for necessary changes in
the formal financial sector.4
Such an approach would differ from the financial systems approach in taking a multi-dimensional view of empowerment and prioritising the needs of poor women
participants and disadvantaged non-participants over those of donors. At the same time
it would have to balance and negotiate where possible the demands of donors and
women clients within constraints of available donor resources and the need for long
term sustainability. Importantly it would need to clarify macro-level constraints to
women's empowerment, the limitations to microfinance programmes and ways of
linking with other institutions to address these.
Some elements of a participatory planning framework
An ongoing system of participatory consultation involving the different
stakeholders with influence over decision making. This would:
- establish the aims of the organisation (eg definition of empowerment)
- establish and agree the range of decisions over which the respective parties
should have influence or control (eg whether or not details of credit delivery are
negotiable and by what criteria)
- establish ways in which credit and savings delivery can be market relevant and
reconcile the various demands and capacities of the different parties (eg ways in which
women's own strategies for empowerment can be supported, other types of support
services needed)
- establish possible strategies for enhancing contribution to empowerment which
do not unnecessarily increase women's vulnerability
- establish ways in which the interests of other disadvantaged groups can be
- elucidate the potential conflicts of interest between the various parties and the
potential limitations of microfinance programmes to resolve these
An institutional framework for participation including:
- grassroots groups for savings and credit (SCGs) of varying composition and
structure depending on the needs of the women concerned
- a federation of grassroots groups with wider policy making powers
- mechanisms for clarifying donor/NGO needs and constraints and negotiating
between these and the demands of grassroots groups
- mechanisms for linking with other institutions to address wider constraints to
women's empowerment
- mechanisms for protecting the interests of disadvantaged non-participants
Recognising the need to explore the issues raised above in depth, a group of UK based
International NGOs have initiated a research project entitled "Microfinance and
Women's Empowerment: Strategies for Increasing Impact". The pilot phase of research
is collating existing published and internal NGO material, and holding 3 regional
workshops in South Asia, West Africa and East Africa. A longer research programme
is planned which will:
- undertake detailed research of the impact of selected programmes on women's
empowerment, the mechanisms through which this occurs and the constraints
- develop and pilot frameworks and methodologies for analysing the inter-relationships between empowerment, participation and sustainability
- propose innovative structures for participatory planning to increase impact
whilst maintaining (if possible) financial sustainability
- clarify the limitations of microfinance programmes as a tool for women's
empowerment and the types of support services necessary to maximize the contribution
of microfinance services.
We are interested to receive copies of any evaluations of microfinance programmes
which address issues of women's empowerment, for our resources library. We would
also like to hear from anyone interested in being part of our network or involved in the
proposed research. For further information and copies of papers, contact:
Linda Mayoux,
61 Cheney Way, Cambridge, CB4 1UE, UK
Tel: +44 1223 501030 Fax: +44 1223 561322
e-mail: |
Susan Johnson, Economic Policy Analyst
ACTIONAID, Hamlyn House, Macdonald Road, London N19 5PG, UK
Tel: +44 171 281 4101
Fax: +44 171 263 7599
1 Linda Mayoux is the Principal Researcher for a pilot research project entitled
"Microfinance and Women's Empowerment: Strategies for Increasing Impact" which
has been initiated by a Steering Group of UK based International NGOs including
ACTIONAID, ACORD, CAFOD, Care, ChristianAid, Opportunity Trust, Oxfam (UK
and Ireland), Intermediate Technology Development Group and Womankind. The
project is funded by the UK Overseas Development Administration.
2 This material is discussed in more detail with references in Mayoux 1997 a, b
3 For example, compare the accounts of BRAC and Grameen Bank as given by
Goetz and Sen Gupta (1996) and Hashemi et al (1996). For an overview of some of
the other literature see Mayoux (1995a)
4 For further discussion of the issues raised here see Mayoux 1997c forthcoming
Arn, AL and Lily, FB (1992) "Evaluation Report of Saptagram Nari Swanirvar
Parishad" Oxfam, Oxford.
Ebdon, R (1995) NGO Expansion and the Fight to Research the Poor: Gender
implications of NGO Scaling-Up in Bangladesh, IDS Bulletin, Vol 26, No 3, July
Goetz, A.M. and R. Sen Gupta (1996) "Who Takes The Credit? Gender, Power and
Control over Loan Use in Rural Credit Programmes in Bangladesh", World
Development, Jan
Hashemi, S. M., Schuler, S. R. and Riley, A. P. (1996) "Rural Credit Programs and
Women's Empowerment in Bangladesh." World Development Vol. 24 No.4
Hulme, D and Mosley, P (1996) Finance Against Poverty London: Routledge
Johnson, S. and B. Rogaly (1996) "Microfinance and Poverty Reduction" Oxford:
Kabeer, N and Murthy, R.K. (1996) "Compensating for Institutional Exclusion?
Lessons from Indian Government and Non-Government Credit Interventions for the
Poor" IDS Discussion Paper No. 356
Mayoux, L.(1995a) "From Vicious to Virtuous Circles? Gender and Micro-Enterprise
Development" UNRISD Occasional Paper No 3, Geneva, 1995
Mayoux, L (1995b) "Beyond naivety: Women, gender inequality and participatory
development - some thorny issues" Development and Change, 26 (2)
Mayoux, L (1997a) "Microfinance Programmes and Women's Empowerment: Towards
a Framework for Participatory Planning", Background Discussion Paper, ActionAid
Mayoux, L. (1997b forthcoming) "Microfinance Programmes and Women's
Empowerment: Some issues from experiences in East Africa"
Mayoux, L. (1997c forthcoming) "Women's Empowerment and Participatory
Development: Some issues from the experience of microfinance programmes in Asia"
Montgomery, R. (1996) "Disciplining or Protecting the Poor? Avoiding the Social
Costs of Peer Pressure in Micro-Credit Schemes", Journal of International
Development, Vol. 8 No. 2, Wiley, U.K.
Noponen, H.(1990) "Loans to the Working Poor: A Longitudinal Study of Credit,
Gender and the Household Economy", PRIE Working Paper No 6, Rutgers University,
New Brunswick, 1990.
Otero, M. and E. Rhyne (eds) (1994) "The New World of Microenterprise Finance:
Building Healthy Financial Institutions for the Poor" IT Publications, London.