Author Information
Azza TallabAzza Taalab was born in Alexandria, Egypt. She obtained her Master of Arts from Edinburgh University in 1981 and Post-graduate Translation Studies at the University of Westminster, London. She also has a Postgraduate Interpretation Course at Ecole de Traduction et d'Interprétation, Geneva.

She has studied and worked under various capacities - Postgraduate Development Studies at the University of Geneva. Professional translator and interpreter servicing international and regional conferences from 1984-1989. Analyst in the National Reports team at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) - 1991-1993. Communications Officer at the secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (1993-1995). External Relations Officer at the United Nations Convention on Climate Change (1996 - Jan 1998). At present, Consultant on Development and Environment issues.

She also contributed to UNCED's "Nations of the Earth Report" and to UNCED's joint CD-ROM project with the International Development Research Centre, besides fund-raising and helping produce a braille version of the Convention on Biological Diversity.

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