Review of
NGO Management and
Development Courses Worldwide
This document reviews courses available on the topic, "NGO Management and Development".
Targets: Most of the courses reviewed consist of individual courses within larger Masters or Ph.D. programmes, conducted by universities. These are targeted at the students studying in the universities. Other training institutions, and educational establishments also offer training courses specifically targeting staff members of NGO establishments.
Duration: Many run for a semester (from four to six months) of a typical university, but short-term courses are also offered - from two to six weeks, or sometimes longer. Short-term courses are specifically used for courses targeted at NGO staff.
Content: There were a wide variety of courses and topics offered. Programme and project development, human resource development were the most common themes. Financial and administrative management, fund rising, monitoring and evaluation were also offered. Some courses also focussed on specific themes or issues (global or regional environmental problems, for example). Other issues included networking and advocacy, information management, community development, campaign organization, participation and partnership development etc.
Organizers: Universities and Schools, NGO Networks and Associations, Research and Training institutions, Donor agencies etc. were some of the entities organizing courses for NGOs.

Important! |
Many of the courses listed below were time bound, at the time of creating this document. If the course is closed, check if a new series of courses on/for NGOs is being offered. If you get a "Error 404 - document not found" message, then modify the URL to the next higher level and search for NGO course info. You could also go to the home URL of the page and use a search tool for the keywords, 'ngo management courses.' |
Postgraduate Diploma and Masters in NGO Management
This new course addresses the specific management development needs of NGO Managers. It builds on Cass Business School's ten years of experience of running postgraduate management courses for managers in non-profit and voluntary sectors. This course is designed to develop the management competencies and analytical capabilities of a new generation of NGO managers. It will help develop the key competencies and capabilities needed by those in management and leadership positions in international NGOs. This is a unique course as it is one of the only modular part-time management courses in Europe to focus on the needs of NGO managers. It will equip students with a sound understanding of the issues facing NGOs and an opportunity to reflect on the impact and implications of the management and organisational challenges they face.
Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
Tel: +44 (0)20 7040 5114
Non-Profit / NGO Management and Development
The program's emphasis in Non-Profit / NGO Management and Development provides students with working knowledge of the administrative, financial, and organizational aspects of non-profit organizations / NGOs. Special course work focuses on the particular managerial challenges faced by non-governmental organizations, their unique features, and their interrelationships with other public management actors.
Students and graduates work with international and / or community-based non-profit organizations / NGOs, including environmental organizations, youth groups, and small business development agencies.
International Development Policy and Administration
Master of Public Administration
Rutgers University, USA |
Master of Science in Management
SITs Master of Science in Management, one of six degrees offered by SIT's Programs in Intercultural Service, Leadership and Management, prepares professionals for management roles with mission-driven organizations. Students develop a strong understanding of the cultural, political, economic, and environmental contexts of management as they gain essential skills in strategic management, information technology application, management of human and financial resources, and social entrepreneurship. Concentrations in Mission Driven Management, Development Management and Leadership and Change are available. Related degrees offered by SIT include MA's in Conflict Transformation, Sustainable Development, Social Justice in Intercultural Relations, International Education and Service, Leadership and Management.
School for International Training (SIT)
Kipling Road, P.O. Box 676, Brattleboro,
Vermont USA 05302-0676
Phone: (802) 257-7751 Fax: (802) 258-3248 Email: |
Joint Effort to Offer NGO Management Institute on South African Soil Realizes Success
After three years of research, groundwork in the U.S. and South Africa, and several "trial runs" at the New School, the NGO Management Institute was transferred to South Africa in February 2000. This first NGO Management Institute held in South Africa, in conjunction with the University of the North, was successful in meeting two sets of goals: first, effectively transferring the management training program to a partner university in South Africa; second, through the redesign of the program specifically for delivery in South Africa, we successfully developed the skills and knowledge we targeted. This year's Institute was an exciting collaborative effort planned and orchestrated on opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean, tapping into all the frontiers of technology at our disposal.
South Africa Partnership Program
New School for Social Research
65 Fifth Avenue Room 428/9
New York, New York 10003
Fax: (212)989-1009
International Public and NGO Management
The course focuses on how international public and non-governmental organizations manage three key functions: regime creation, mobilization of information and norm enforcement. These organizations are examined from a management perspective in terms of the three functions, through specific case studies.
Regime creation involves processes of multilateral negotiation to reach systematic agreements to deal with specific issues in which non-governmental organizations play an increasing role. Norm enforcement includes the use of such tools as reporting, observation, dispute resolution and good offices to implement the norms included in regimes, where the role of non-governmental organizations like Amnesty international are central. Mobilization of information involves the use of data collection, analysis and dissemination to produce a neutral, credible basis for international commerce and development of new regimes.
The International Relations Program
The Maxwell School of Syracuse University
Syracuse, NY 13244-1090, USA
Phone: 315-443-2306, Fax: 315-443-9204
C32 NGO Management
Non-government organisations play an increasingly important role in all aspects of development. They are key actors in the worlds of politics, industry and commerce, influencing both development agendas and policy implementation.
This course sets out to explain the key processes that encompass the management of NGOs, and covers issues such as strategic management and decision making, structures and systems (including monitoring and financial management), the generation of financial resources, and improving overall organisational performance.
E12 NGO Management
Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) play an increasingly important role in the fields of environment and development. Generally, NGOs influence The decision-making process and lobby key actors from the world of politics, industry and commerce, helping set agendas for action and having an impact on policy implementation. This important and challenging new course, prepared for the External Programme by the International NGO Training and Research Centre (INTRAC), based in Oxford in the UK, sets out to explain in considerable detail and with the aid of numerous examples the key processes that encompass the management of NGOs.
Structured in six parts, the course deals in turn with the breadth of the NGO sector globally, strategic management and decision making, human resource management, structures and systems (including monitoring and financial management), generating financial resources, and improving overall organisational performance. Because of its breadth of appeal, the External Programme is offering this new course as an option in several programmes.
It will also appeal as a 'stand alone' course to be taken on an affiliated basis by individuals who are already directly involved in the NGO sector, or who are wanting to learn about management processes in organisations outside formal government and business circles.
Imperial College at Wye,
Wye, Ashford, Kent TN25 5AH, UK
Tel: (+44) (0) 1233 812401
Fax: (+44) (0) 1233 813320
BOND: A Long-term Strategy for NGO Learning
BOND is the "British Overseas NGOs for Development" The long-term strategy for NGO leaders will move BOND gradually away from direct provision towards co-ordination and development of wider learning opportunities in order to ensure effective and sustainable response to NGO needs in the long-term.
BOND realizes the value of informal networking opportunities and access to information as crucial parts of learning. So BOND's new strategy covers learning as a whole, and not just formal training.
Many NGOs would like support in institutionalising learning -how to convert what an individual learns into lessons from which the whole organisation can benefit. And many interviewees saw the need to adapt to change effectively (increasingly important in the fast changing world).
British Overseas NGOs for Development
Management Principles of Non-Governmental Organizations
Explores the critical tasks associated with managing NGOs working in international development and humanitarian assistance. Examines internal operational efficiency, strategic management, program performance, and sustainability of NGOs, and introduces a set of analytic and management tools.
Features of NGO management are compared and contrasted with the public and private sectors; highlighting issues such as funding, scale of operations, accountability, local participation, comparative advantage, and effectiveness. Analyzes NGO roles as project implementers, technical assistance providers, intermediaries, partners, and advocates.
A central feature of the course is a field project where teams of students work with NGOs in the Washington, D.C., area on a policy and/or management issue.
The Paul H Nitze School of Advanced International Studies
Johns Hopkins University
Washington D.C., USA |
NGO Security Management Workshop in Kosovo
The three core objectives of the workshop were to
- offer a systematic and transferable management approach to safety and security;
- provide an opportunity to review the risk analysis and safety and security measures of the participants in their current contexts (Kosovo/Albania); and
- facilitate and strengthen inter-agency linkages and collaboration around security.
The Overseas Development Institute
111 Westminster Bridge Road,
London, SE1 7JD, UK.
Tel: +44 (0)20 7922 0331/74
Fax: +44 (0)20 7922 0399
email: |
Management of NGOs
In recent years, non-governmental organizations have vastly increased in number and scope. They are increasingly influential in communities and grassroots activities, in policy making, planning and implementation. In today's highly competitive environment of limited resources for the public sector, effective leaders and creative management are crucial.
This workshop addresses the current role of NGOs in development and challenges NGO leaders in their efforts to build their organizational capacity.
Galillee College
P.O.BOX 1070
TEL-972-4-9837444 , 9837555
FAX- 972-4-9830227
Monitoring and Evaluation for Successful Programmes and Projects
Successful program and project planning and implementation requires that managers have access to relevant and timely information to support effective decision making. The challenge is to develop practical systems and procedures which are understood by, and have the support of, the key decision-makers. To achieve this outcome, information systems need to be developed within the context of (a) the institutional and organisational framework; (b) resource and capacity constraints; (c) project and program objectives; and (d) community needs and cultural contexts.
GPO Box 4 CANBERRA, ACT 2601, Australia
Telephone 61 2 6249 3811
Facsimile 61 2 6257 1433
Short Course Training Programme 2000 for NGO Staff
INTRAC Short courses are designed for staff from NGOs in Eastern and Western Europe and from NGO Support Organisations in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the CIS. This offers a rich exchange of experiences which we build on throughout the course. The training is relevant to the needs of individuals and their organisations with an emphasis on the practical application of participants' learning back in the work place.
Course offered include - Capacity Building - an Organisational Approach; Managing a Participative Monitoring & Evaluation Process; Financial Management for Non Financial Managers; Planning, Programming & Research with Childre; and Organisation Development & Change.
International NGO Training and Research Centre (INTRAC)
P.O. Box 563, Oxford OX2 6RZ
United Kingdom
Tel : +44(0)1865 201851
Fax : +44(0)1865 201852
E-mail :
Short Course Training Programme 2000 for NGO Staff
The International Center
for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL)'s Educational Initiative for
Central and Eastern Europe - helps support the introduction of NGO law courses in
the region and brings together teachers who are interested in training new
lawyers about the laws affecting NGOs (associations, foundations, and other
non-governmental entities). The activities of the EI/CEE are as
developing a network of teachers who are
teaching or would like to teach courses on the laws affecting NGOs at
universities and other institutions of higher learning in the region (including
teachers of traditional law courses and clinical law courses);
collecting from the teachers in the network
their course materials, especially their syllabi, and sharing those materials
with others in the network;
using a web site for the sharing of information
about courses and materials on the laws affecting NGOs; this site is linked to
the ICNL site (with its unique database of legal materials affecting
holding in-person workshops to discuss NGO law
courses and materials; and
engaging in other activities that will support
the development of NGO curricula at universities throughout the region.
Introduction to NGO Law
Central European University
Budapest, Hungary
Development Policy with Focus on Non Government Organizations
The course aims at qualifying people in social planning and management of development and specifically for work in and for non-governmental organizations. Subjects covered include - Development theories and development policy; Development economics; Structure and organisation of NGOs in Europe and in developing countries; methods of social research; Project planning, -evaluation, and -management; Publicity work; Sociology of disadvantaged social groups; Special areas of development work (i.e. income generating projects, rural development, womens projects, etc.). The course leads on to an MA in Development Policy.
Structure of the Program:
- First year: Course work in various subjects and a six-week internship in a German aid organization or NGO.
- Third term: Internship or practical project in an NGO in a developing country (often: students home country).
- Fourth term: Writing up report, supplementary course work, examination.
"Prof. M. v. Freyhold" -
MPA (Master of Public Affairs) in Urban and Regional Affairs, Public and Nonprofit Management, Policy Research and Analysis is designed to address leadership challenges from a variety of ethical and moral frameworks. MPA students have several resources available to aid in their studies, like internships, the GSPIA Nonprofit Clinic, or the Johnson Institute for Responsible Leadership.
MID (Master of International Development) in Nongovernmental Organizations and Civil Society prepares students to be advocates for change both domestically and internationally. Possible specializations include management strategies and politics, social work, public health, or a specific global region.
Office of Student Services
University of Pittsburgh - Graduate School of Public and International Affairs
3601 Posvar Hall,
230 S. Bouquet Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Tel: +1-412-648-7640
NGO Management, Policy and Development Administration. The main objective of the course is to focus on managing NGOs/Civil Society and making them more effective in working for the poor and the disadvantaged. It is mostly targeted towards developing insight among the students who plan to work for non-profit organisations/NGOs and aid agencies. Those who plan to work in the public sector will also find the course useful. The course deals with the concepts NGO and civil society, the rise and growth of NGOs, managing NGO roles, managing NGO relationship, internal NGO management, professionalism.
Asian Institute of Technology
School of Environment, Resources and Development
If your university runs an NGO Management Course that you would like to be listed here, please send information on the course title, a short 4-5 line abstract, contact address and a website URL to GDRC's coordinator, Dr. Hari Srinivas, at the email listed below.
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Comments and suggestions:
Hari Srinivas -