Development Policy of Small Islands in Japan
Hiroshi Nemoto
Remote Islands Development Division
National Land Agency, Japan
Paper presented at an International Symposium on "Small Islands and Sustainable Development" organized by the United Nations University and the National Land Agency of Japan.
Among the countries in the world, there are many island
states, and many countries that are comprised of islands, yet among
the latter, there are few like Japan where complete policies
addressed to the issues of small and remote islands are
Japan is composed of many islands, and there are four laws
which deals with the Japanese remote or small islands: Okinawa,
Amami and Ogasawara are areas in which national laws cover these
islands, but I would like to focus on laws of Japan which govern
small islands in general. There are laws relating to regional
development and implementation of regional development programmes
which take in the remote island areas as a whole. This includes
both the national and regional level development programmes.
At the national level, the National Land Comprehensive
Development Law was enacted in 1950, and in accordance with this
law, a Comprehensive National Development Programme was devised
twelve years later in 1962. The reason for such a long time span
between the law and related programme is that the First Economic
Plan was to serve as the guideline for mid-term economic management
in 1955 and thereafter. This was an independent plan, and in
the pursuing years .Japan experienced high economic growth and as a result there was
imbalance in population density and income distribution. Given
this situation, there developed a need to control development, so
in 1960, a plan to double national income was devised. In this
plan, there was recognition given to rectify this population
density/income disparity. These would come under the Regional
Policy, so that these needed to be tied to the Macro-Economic Plan
within the Master Economic Plan. For this reason, the
Comprehensive National Development Plan was developed.
Meanwhile, the policies for individual regional development
began to be initiated after World War II. Among these, policies
regarding small island development do have a substantial history.
It was as early as 1953 when the Remote Island Development Act was
enacted. This Act was enacted in response to the strong requests
of the local people and through the efforts of the national and
local governments, as well as through extensive discussion in the
Diet. As a result, the development of remote islands, which was
partial and limited, became increasingly comprehensive and
The Remote Island Development Act covered the following:
As an objective, measures would be established to correct
underdevelopment of the remote islands through project
implementation, assessing economic capabilities in an effort
to stabilize people's livelihoods, as well as improve to the
welfare of the people and hence to contribute to the growth of
the national economy.
- In order to achieve this aim, a Remote Island Development Plan
and at the same time a Project Plan was also developed each
year in accordance with this law.
- The national government would appropriate a budget for the
implementation of these projects. The proportion of required
funds to be supported by the local authority would be
considered in a favourable light.
- In order to survey and examine key development items of the
remote islands, a Remote Island Development Council was
established. In pursuant to the provisions of the Law, a
total of ten regions were designated as Remote Island
Development Regions from 1953 to 1967 and development plans
were developed accordingly.
Concerning budget, the affect of implementation of the Law was
felt, but the appropriation of the budget was most decisive and
began in the 1958 fiscal year. Until that year, all public works
relating to remote island development came under the responsibility
of separate and individual government agencies. However, these
works came within the realm of the Economic Planning Agency, the
now current National Land Agency. Today, it is the National Land
Agency that appropriates the budget for the development of remote
islands in Japan.
With regard to the 1958 budget, we saw a budget which enabled
the effective implementation of remote island development. Further,
a Remote Island Development Section was also established within the
Agency, so as to deal with all the remote island development of
Japan. This was a most favourable arrangement for the remote
islands themselves and the promotion of development there. Through
these law, therefore, remote island development was implemented.
The Remote Island Development Plan serves as the basis of such
island development, and is revised approximately every 10 years,
though sometimes earlier. These plans are devised by the local
authorities, which are then presented to the National Land Agency
which in turn presents it to the Diet.
The First Plan was developed in 1957. In the Second Plan in
1967, emphasis was on the improvement of basic socio-economic
conditions to help rectify the differences between the remote
islands and the mainland in terms of population densities and
income. The Third Plan focused on improving the facilities for the
living environment and production activities, while the Fourth Plan
was concerned with improving social infrastructures to improve the
living environment. Under the Fifth Plan, which was enacted in
1993 and will continue through to 2002, both hardware and software
approaches have been adopted so that a more comprehensive approach
to development may be taken. Thus, the concepts of the Plans have
changed over time to respond to specific needs.
It is now over forty years since the Remote Island Development
Act has been enacted, and over the years, there have been projects
for the small islands amounting to 3 trillion from the national
budget. This is a nominal budget, and the current value of this
money would, of course, be much greater. Within the proportion of
the National Public Works, the budget represents approximately 1.2%
of the total. Considering the areas and population of the remote
islands, I feel that the investment of the government has been
overall favourable to the islands and remote regions.
As a result, industries and the infrastructure of the living
environment of the small islands have improved. Some islands are
no longer designated as a Remote Island Development Region.
However, the present situation remains that, compared to the main
islands, population continues to decline and the people who have
remained are mainly aged, with an over-dependence on primary
industry. Income of the people living in these areas is still low,
which further encourages young people to leave the islands to seek
better conditions elsewhere. Thus, these islands still appear to be
at a disadvantage. Discrepancies still exist between the remote
islands and the mainland, so we must continue with the Plan to the
best of our ability to help rectify the situation.
Future Actions
With the persistent income and population density disparities
continuing between the remote island regions and the mainland,
there remain a great many challenges that need to be taken up from
now into the future. These challenges may be categorized into five
- In the past, a domestic perspective was taken in relation to
any action that was implemented. In the future, this will not
suffice. A global perspective will need to be taken into
account and incorporated into the future Plans and programmes
that are developed in relation to these regions.
- There will be a need to promote societies in which people and
nature of these regions may co-exist. Again, this is in line
with the current global issues and trends pertaining to
environment and development.
- There will be a need to continue to work to reduce the aging
population and the aging of the remote island communities.
Thus, we need to promote stronger exchanges and ties with
other communities. While there are cultural and sport
exchanges, economic exchanges may be said to remain at the
very heart of such exchanges as well.
- There will be a need to respond to the shift in the economic
structures due to the Information Society and shifting of
production sites overseas.
- Finally, the role of the national government and local
authorities with respect to each other will have to be
Currently, a new National Land Programme is being devised with
a view to implementation in 1997, with a view to the needs of the
year 2010. In preparing this overall programme, the abovementioned
factors deserve special attention from the regional perspective,
especially from the point of view of remote island development
In order to foster competitive industries in these regions, it
is very important that economic exchanges be promoted. In turn,
with the revitalization of the national economy, further changes
can be promoted. In that respect, the island communities can be
revitalized. This is especially important when one takes into
account the diminishing population, so that there are a lot of
people coming in and out of the regions in question and that
activity be visible and noticeable.
The direct objectives for the promotion of development in the
remote islands are to improve the people's welfare and promote
economic activity there. However, there are other objectives: one
of these is that we look to ascertain special features that can be
allocated to the remote islands in question. Once identified,
these features and aspects can then be incorporated into the
National Land Programme and other comprehensive development
programmes so as to become part of the national policy in promoting
the economy of the nation as a whole.
In the past, there has been a large number of exchanges
between these islands and the world, and the diggings at
Haranotsuji provide one example, where there are indications that
exchanges were undertaken with ancient China. Others have had
exchanges with the Korean Peninsular, as well as the Portuguese in
the sixteenth century.
Many of these islands also possess unique or extremely rare
biodiversity which needs to be preserved. In respect to the
preservation of forests, the marine and natural environments, the
remote islands have come to assume a very important role. These
factors have come to be specified under national law. Thus, there
are a number of roles that the remote islands can play in a scheme
for national development. In that respect, the island policies
need to encompass these two different aspects simultaneously.
In promoting remote islands, it is important to think what
value the have in terms of national policy. Discrepancies in
living standards need to be levelled, and a harmonious development
between remote islands and the mainland needs to be achieved.
However, equality of the living conditions between the mainland and
the remote islands would entail different interpretations depending
on the time perspective being considered. Therefore, national
policies need to be organized so that they may supplement the
mechanisms that may be lacking if one relies on the market economy.
The characteristic of Japanese policies in this regard, as
opposed to those of other countries, is to try to encompass the
island policies as part and parcel of the national policy. I would
hope that the measures that Japan has implemented may serve to be
of some reference to policy makers in developing nations as well.
If networking can be undertaken with the developed nations, and
more exchange of information could be promoted, then we would be
able to contribute to the formation of others' policies in
developing their national policies. Thus, we hope that we will be
able to think of remote island policies in such a perspective.