What is the difference between Food Loss and Food Waste?
"Food loss" refers to food that spills, spoils, incurs an abnormal reduction in quality such as bruising or wilting, or otherwise gets lost before it reaches the consumer. Food loss typically takes place at the production, storage, processing, and distribution stages in the food value chain. It's usually the unintended result of an agricultural process or technical limitation in storage, infrastructure, packaging, and/or marketing.
"Food waste" refers to food that is of good quality and fit for consumption, but does not get consumed because it is discarded - either before or after it is left to spoil. Food waste typically takes place at the retail and consumption stages in the food value chain. It's usually the result of negligence or a conscious decision to throw food away.
Although both food loss and waste happen all over the world, food loss tends to be more prevalent in developing countries, while food waste tends to be more prevalent in developed countries.