Urban Skyline
Urban Environmental Management
Statistics that teach. Quantifying the processes and effects of urban living provides a glimpse into the kind of urban legacy that we are creating.
 A city's footprint is the amount of land required to provide its raw materials and deal with its wastes. London's footprint is 19,700,000 ha (125 times its surface area). This is only marginally less than the size of UK as a whole (area: 24,400,000 ha). Makes you think, doesn't it?
- OneWorld
Bangkok is sinking at the rate of one centimetre a year due to excessive private tapping of ground water. This ground water tapping is not only lowering the water table, but also contributing to sea-water seepage.
- Source unknown
By 2025, 'fully 88 percent of the world's total population growth will be located in rapidly expanding urban areas and 90 percent of that urban growth will be absorbed by the developing world.'
- World Bank, Livable Cities for the 21st Century

The current world population:

Mathas Wackernagel and William Rees, Our Ecological Footprint. New Society Publishers, Gabriola Island BC, Canada or Philadelphia, PA, USA

The authors estimate how much land is required to support individual persons in various countries in hectares per person. Taking into account land for living, food production, energy production, waste containment etc. they estimate that in Canada it takes 4.3 ha/person, in the US it is 5.1, India 0.4, and the world 1.8. The authors also estimate the fair share of the Earth's ecologically productive land per capita to be a circle with a diameter of 138 meters.

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Contact: Hari Srinivas - hsrinivas@gdrc.org