Grameen Bank, Bangladesh

The Grameen family of institutions

Grameen Bank A for-profit bank. Specialises in collateral-free credit and other financial services for the "poorest of the poor". Housing loan is one of the dozen or so loan products.
Grameen Krishi ("Agriculture") Foundation A for-profit company like the Grameen Bank. Works with farmers who are very poor but not the "poorest of the poor". Unlike the Bank that deals only in cash, the Krishi Foundation lends and accepts repayments in cash as well as in agricultural input and produce. Profit is plowed back into the Foundation: in sinking tubewells, building agricultural infrastructure, undertaking agricultural research, and other "future building" activities.
Grameen Uddog A not-for-profit company. Works with more than 10,000 hand-loom weavers who are some of the poorest people in Bangladesh. Organises these individual village-based weavers into a large quality-controlled business which exports more than one million yards of hand-loomed cotton ‘check’ fabric a month.
Grameen Motsho ("Fisheries") Foundation A not-for-profit company. Works with extremely poor people. Operates 500 hectares of fish farms and 140 hectares of shrimp farms as well as 20 fish seed multiplication farms. GMF is a very high return on investment. Rapid eradication of poverty is the primary corporate mission.
Grameen Fund A not-for-profit company. Provides finance to ventures that are risky, technology-oriented, and deprived of credit from formal financial institutions because the poor entrepreneurs are deemed not credit-worthy. The work of the Grameen Fund is turning out to be a big leap in Grameen’s poverty eradication mission.
Grameen Kalyan ("Rural Welfare") A not-for-profit company. Provides "welfare" to Grameen Bank staff and clients in the area of education, health and disaster relief, as well as credit to employees.
Grameen Shamogree ("Rural Products") A for-profit company. Finances rural industries and market their products, specially those produced in labour-intensive industries, in Bangladesh and overseas. The company is also attempting to save traditional Bangladeshi crafts that are at the risk of being lost because of chronic shortage of employment and capital.
Grameen Telecom A recently launched for-profit company. Dedicated to bringing the information revolution to the rural people of Bangladesh. Over the next 4 years, will provide GSM mobile phone service to 100 million rural inhabitants in 68,000 villages by financing 60,000 Grameen borrowers to provide village pay phone service as well as mobile phones for individual use to the rich segment of the Bangladeshi rural society.
Grameen Shakti ("Energy") A recently launched not-for-profit rural power company. Aims to develop non-polluting renewable energy including solar, bio-gas and wind turbine, for non-electrified villages of Bangladesh.
Grameen Cybernet Limited A recently launched and highly profitable for-profit company. Dedicated in bringing the latest in information technology including Internet to the cities and villages of Bangladesh.
Grameen Communications A not-for-profit company. Is committed to increasing awareness and promoting the use of information available on Internet for improving education, health, sanitation, and research. Take Internet to the poorest of the poor.
Grameen Trust A not-for-profit Trust. Provides finance, training, and technical assistance to people all over the world, including UK, who wish to "replicate" the Grameen Bank model. At present, there are over 200 ‘Grameen Bank replications’ in 56 countries. The Trust aims to help create 300 new replications in the next five years.

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