Grameen Bank, Bangladesh

Bibliography on Grameen Bank

The best way to keep in touch about Grameen Bank and related activities is through the Grameen Dialogue. The cost of the yearly subscription, which covers publishing and airmail, is: - Full subscription: $ 30 - Concession: $ 10, or any amount you can afford. - Free subscription: available on request. (Cheques in favour of Grameen Trust). An online version is also available with Action International.
  • A. Fuglesang and D. Chandler, Participation as a Process - what we can learn from Grameen Bank, NORAD, Oslo, 1986.
  • Adams, D W & D A Fitchett, eds. 1992, Informal Finance in Low-Income Countries, Westview, Boulder.
  • Adams, D W and J D Von Pischke, 1992, 'Microenterprise credit programs: deja vu', World Development, Vol. 20, #10, p. 1463-70.
  • Alexander M. Counts (ed.) Worm's Eye View: Interviews with Women of the Grameen Bank, Results Educational Fund, Washington D.C. 1992.
  • Atiur Rahman, Demand and Marketing Aspects of Grameen Bank: A Closer Look. Grameen Bank, Dhaka, 1986.
  • Balkin, Steven, "A Grameen Bank Replication: The Full Circle Fund of the Women's Self-Employment Project of Chicago." Chapter 14 in A. Wahid (ed.) The Grameen Bank of Bangladesh: A New Direction in Poverty Alleviation. WestviewPress, 1993.
  • Balkin, Steven, "Business Financing for the Urban Poor: Replicating the Grameen Bank of Bangladesh in the United States." in Emerging Entrepreneurial Strategies in the 1990's, Conference Proceedings of the Seventh Annual National Conference of the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, D. Naffziger and J. Hornsby, editors, pp. 171 - 183, October 1992.
  • Berger, Marguerite, 1989, 'Giving Women Credit: The Strengths and Limitations of Credit as a Tool for Alleviating Poverty', World Development, 17:7, July, p. 1017-32
  • Bouman, FJA and Hospes, eds. 1994, Financial Landscapes Reconstructed: the Fine Art of Mapping Development, Westview Press, Boulder, CO.
  • Buechler, Simone, Third World Rural Women and Credit: Changing Conceptual Frameworks, State Policies, Financial Institutions, and Development Organizations Thesis. Cornell University, January, 1992.
  • Calavan, Kay, HI Latifee and Muhammad Yunus, 1989, The Grameen Bank Project, in Mann, Charles K, Merilee S Grindle and Parker Shipton, eds, 1989, Seeking Solutions: Framework and Cases for Small Enterprise Development Programs, Kumarian Press, W Hartford, CT., p. 239-71
  • Chowdhury, Mahboob-ul-Islam (1987), "Housing for the Shelterless: Grameen Bank's Experience". Paper presented at the International Workshop on the Role of Non-Governmental Organizations and Community-based Groups in Human Settlements held in Ahmedabad, India from 13 to 17 March, 10 pp.
  • Chua, Ronald, & Gilberto M. Llanto, 1995, Assessing the Efficiency and Outreach of Microfinance Schemes, ILO, Geneva
  • Conroy, J D, K W Taylor & G B Thapa, 1995, Best Practice of Banking with the Poor, FDC, Brisbane, Australia.
  • Cooperation South, "The Grameen Bank: Replicating a Success Story". Cooperation South, December 1991, pp. 3-7.
  • Copestake, James G, 1995, 'Poverty oriented financial service programs: room for improvement?f Savings and Development, Vol. 19, #4, p. 417-36.
  • Count, Alexander M, 1996, Give Us Credit, Research Press, New Delhi.
  • Counts, Alex, 1996, Give Us Credit, Research Press, New Delhi, eIntroductionf, p. ix-xx, eThe Birth of the Grameen Bankf p. 34-60, eThe Sixteen Decisionsf, p. 302-324
  • Fuglesang, Andreas and Dale Chandler, Participation As Process, Process As Growth - What can we learn from Grameen Bank. ISBN: 984-05-1238-2, Oslo: Norwegian Ministry for Development Cooperation (NORAD).
  • Getubig, I, ed., 1993, Overcoming Poverty Through Credit: The Asian Experience in Replicating the Grameen Bank Approach, APDC, Kuala Lumpur.
  • Getubig, I, J Remenyi & B Quinones, 1997, eds., Creating the Vision: Microfinancing the poor in Asia-Pacific: Issues Constraints and Capacity Building, Asia Pacific Development Centre, Kuala Lumpur.
  • Ghai, Dharam, An Evaluation of the Impact of the Grameen Bank, 1984
  • Gibbons, David, 1994, The Grameen Bank Reader, Grameen Bank, Dhaka.
  • Groetz, A M & R Sen Gupta, 1996, 'Who Takes the Credit? Gender, Power and Control Over Loan Use In Rural Credit Programmes in Bangladesh', World Development, Vol. 24 No. 1, January, p. 24-64
  • Groh, Barbara and Gloria Somolekoe, 1996, 'Mighty oaks from little acorns: can Microenterprise serve as the seedbed of industrialisation', World Development, Vol. 24, #2, p. 1879-90.
  • Gurgland, M, G Pederson and J Yaron, 1994, 'Outreach and sustainability of six rural financial institutions in sub-Saharan Africa', World Bank Discussion Paper, #248, Washington, DC.
  • Hashemi, Sayed M, Ruth Schuler Sidney and Ann P Riley, 1996, 'Rural credit programs and women's empowerment in Bangladesh', World Development, Vol. 24, #4, p. 635-53.
  • Hashemi, Syed M, 1997, eBuilding Capacity for Banking with the Poor: The Grameen Bank in Bangladeshf, in Schneider, Hartmut, ed., 1997, Microfinance for the Poor?, Development Centre, OECD and IFAD, Paris, p.109-126
  • Holcombe, Susan, 1995, Managing to Empower: The Grameen Bank's Experience of Poverty Alleviation, Zed Books, London.
  • Holt, Sharon L and Helena Ribe, 1991, 'Developing financial institutions for the poor and reducing barriers to access for women', World Bank Discussion Paper #117, World Bank, Washington, DC.
  • Hossain, Mahabub, 1988, Credit for the Alleviation of Rural Poverty: the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh, IFPRI & BIDS, Washington, DC & Dhaka.
  • Hunte, Kenrick C, 1996, 'Controlling loan default and improving the lending technology in credit institutions', Savings and Development, Vol. 20, #1, p. 45-59.
  • Huppi, Monika & Gershon Feder, 1990, 'The Role of Groups and Credit Co-operatives in Rural Lending', World Bank Research Observer, Vol. 5, #2, July, p. 187-204.
  • Jain, P.S. (1995), "Managing Credit for the Rural Poor: Lessons from the Grameen Bank" World Development Vol. 24, No. 1, January.
  • Johnson, Susan and Ben Rogaly, 1997, Microfinance and Poverty Reduction, ITP, London.
  • Khandker, Shahidur, Baqui Khalily & Zahed Khan, 1995, 'Grameen Bank: Performance and Sustainability', World Bank Discussion Paper #306, IBRD, Washington, DC
  • Khandker, Shahidur, Baqui Khalily and Zahed Khan, Grameen Bank: What do we know?Washington D.C.: World Bank, 1993.
  • Madeley, John, "Giving Credit where it's due: Banking on the Landless in Bangladesh". Ideas and Action, Volume 6, Number 159, 1984.
  • Mahadevan, Ashok (1992), "Banking on the Poor". Reader's Digest, October, pp. 37-42.
  • Mann, Charles K, Merilee S Grindle and Parker Shipton, eds., 1989, Seeking Solutions: Framework and Cases for Small Enterprise Development Programs, Kumarian Press, Hartford, CT
  • Pitt. Mark M & Shahidur R Khandker, 1996, 'Household and Intrahousehold Impact of the Grameen Bank and Similar Targeted Credit Programs in Bangladesh', World Bank Discussion Paper #320, IBRD, Washington, DC
  • Quanine, Jannat, 1989, Women and Nutrition: The Grameen Bank Experience, Food and Nutrition Bulletin, Vol. 11, p. 64-66.
  • Rahman, Siddiqur et al., From Calories to Capacity Building: Poverty Alleviation Programmes and Delivery Systems in Bangladesh, Grameen Bank, 1991
  • Ray, Jaynta Kumar To Chase a Miracle: A Case Study of the Grameen Bank of Bangladesh, University Press Ltd. Dhaka, 1987.
  • Shams, Khalid M., Designing Effective Credit Delivery System for the Poor: The Grameen Bank Experience, Grameen Bank, 1992.
  • Siddique, Kamal, An Evaluation of the Grameen Bank Operation. National Institute of Local Government, Dhaka, 1984.
  • UN-ESCAP, Bank Credit for Rural Women. Report on the Study Tour of Grameen Bank in Bangladesh. Bangkok: United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, 1985.
  • Wahid, Abu, 1993, ed., The Grameen Bank: Poverty Relief in Bangladesh, Westview, Boulder, CO.
  • Wigg, David, 1993, The Quiet Revolution, World Bank Development Essay #2, The World Bank, Washington, DC.
  • Wood, Geoffrey D and Iffath A Sharif, 1997, Who Needs Credit? Poverty and Finance in Bangladesh, Zed Books, 1997.
  • World Bank, 1996, Bangladesh Rural Finance Report No. 15485-BD. Agricultural and Natural Resources Division, WB, Washington D.C.
  • Yaron, Jacob, 1991, Successful Rural Finance Institutions, 2 Vols. Agriculture Policies Division, World Bank, Washington, DC.
  • Yaron, Jacob, 1994, 'What Makes Rural Finance Institutions Successful?f World Bank Research Observer, 9:1, January, p. 49-70. (An earlier version was published in 1992 under a similar title as World Bank Discussion Paper # 150).
  • Yunus, Muhammad, Credit for Self Employment: A Fundamental Human Right, Grameen Bank, Dhaka, 1987.
  • Yunus, Muhammad, Experience in Organizing Grassroot Initiatives and Mobiliing People's Participation: The Case of Grameen Bank Project in Bangladesh. Paper Presented at the 25th World Conference of the Society for International Development. Baltimore, Md., 1982.
  • Yunus, Muhammad, Jorimon and Others, Grameen Bank, Dhaka, 1984.
  • Yunus, Muhammad, Peace is Freedom from Poverty, Grameen Bank, Dhaka, 1991.
  • Yunus, Muhammad, Strategy for the Decade of Ninties, Grameen Bank, Dhaka, 1989.
  • Yunus, Muhammad, 1983, eIf you canft beat them join them; or, how to operate your own financial institutionf, in Mattis, Ann, ed., 1984, A Society for International Development Prospectus, Duke UP for Society for International Development, Durham, NC, p. 79?90.
  • Yunus, Muhammad, 1991, The Grameen Bank: Experiences and Reflections, Grameen Bank, Dhaka.
  • Yunus, Muhammad, 1994, Grameen Bank As I See It, in Gibbons, David S, 1994, ed., The Grameen Reader, 2nd edition, Grameen Bank, Dhaka, p. 62-98
  • Yunus, Muhammad, Experiences and Reflections, Grameen Bank, 1991.
  • Yunus, Muhammad, Grameen Bank - The First Decade, Asian and Pacific Development Centre, 1986.

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