Addee Hawine Geleto, Ethiopia
Addee Hawine Geleto was one of the first beneficiaries of the Rift Valley microcredit project. She used to sell goods by borrowing from local money lenders at 150 percent interest per year. She was only able to spend a limited amount of time with her children, as she had to travel to different local markets to buy and sell goods.

She received her first loan for US$58 and invested the money in a dairy goat and her small business. Addee would take care of the goat and her daughter would take care of the business. Her goat gave birth and she was able to pay off her loan by selling the young goats. "I am happy," says Addee. "I have assets and my children can get milk to drink and their nutritional status has improved. Moreover, I am dressing well, and can send some of my children to school."

Name of microfinance programme: Rift Valley Children and Women Development
Source: Microcredit Summit 1997 - Institutional Profiles.

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