Maman Mole Motuke , Zaire
La Maman Mole Motuke lived in a wrecked car in a suburb of Kinshasa, Zaire with her four children. If she could find something to eat, she would feed two of her children; the next time she found something to eat, her other two children would eat.

When organizers from the Association interviewed her, she said that she knew how to make chikwangue (manioc paste), and she only needed a few dollars to start production. After six months of training in marketing and production techniques, Maman Motuke got her first loan of US$100, and bought production materials.

Today, Maman Motuke and her family no longer live in a broken down car; they rent a house with two bedrooms and a living room. Her four children go to school on a regular basis, they eat regularly and dress well. She is currently saving to buy some land in a suburb farther outside of the city and hopes to build a house.

Name of microfinance programme: Association d'Appui aux Conducteurs des Chariots du Zaire
Source: Microcredit Summit 1997 - Institutional Profiles.

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