Rokia Fomba, Mali
Rokia Fomba of Meridiela, Mali is a twenty-six year old mother of three, Rokia was married very young and lived with her husband's family, who treated her very poorly.

Rokia joined GANEF right away when the program came to Meridiela. With her first loan of . 5,000 F CFA (US$10), she began to sell butter. Rokia continued through five loan cycles, each of greater size, and with each loan she would add additional merchandise to her stocks. Now she travels to various markets in neighboring towns selling her merchandise. She no longer has to depend on her husband and his family for support.

Rokia's family now eats and dresses well, and she and her husband get along much better. She deposits a minimum of 200 F CFA (US$0.37) per week in her group savings account.

"I cannot even begin to say all of the advantages of the GANEF program," says Rokia. "Above all, I have become respected in my home.

Name of microfinance programme: CANEF
Source: Microcredit Summit 1997 - Institutional Profiles.

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