MicroStart: A Guide for Planning, Starting and Managing a Microfinance Programme.


This extensive Reading List, largely compiled from -The New World of Micro Enterprise Finance", by Maria Otero and Elisabeth Rhyne, is provided for suggested further reading.

ACCION International. 1990. " Informe, Sexto Taller Inter-

Programas, Inovacciones Metodologicas y el Desafio de
La Masificacion." Mazatenango, Guatelmala: ACCION
International. 199 1. " Informe Anual de Estadisticas. "
Cambridge, MA: ACCION International.

ACCION International and The Calmeadow Foundation.

1988. An Operational Guide for M icro- Enterprise
Projects. Toronto: Calmeadow.

Acharya, M., and L. Bennet. 1982. "Women and the

Subsistence Sector: Economic Participation and
Household DecisionMaking in Nepal." World Bank Staff
Working Paper No. 526. Washington, DC: World Bank.

Adams, Dale W. 1971. "Agricultural Credit in Latin America: A

Critical Review of External Funding Policy." American
Journal of Agricultural Economics 53 (2): 163-72.

1973. "The Case for Voluntary Savings Mobilization: Why Rural
Capital Markets Flounder." Mimeo. Washington, DC: USAID,

1978. "Mobilizing Household Savings through Rural Financial
Markets." Economic Development and Cultural Change 26(3):547-

1984. To Rural Savings Matter?" Studies in Rural Finance,
Economics and Sociology Occasional Paper No. 1083. Columbus:
Ohio State University.

1988. "The Conundrum of Successful Credit Projects in
Floundering Rural Financial Markets." Economic Development and
Cultural Change 36(2)355-67.

Adams, Dale W., and Delbert A. Fitchett, eds. 1992. Informal

Finance in Low-Income Countries. Boulder,
CO:Westview Press.

Adams, Dale W, and Douglas H. Graham. 198 1. "A Critique of Traditional

Agricultural Credit Projects and Policies." Journal of Development
Economics 8(3):347-66. 1984. "A Critique of Traditional Agricultural
Credit Projects and Policies.: In Agricultural Development in the Third
World ed. by Carl Eicher and John M. Staatz. Baltimore: Johns
Hopkins University Press.

Adams, Dale W., Douglas H. Graham, and John D. Von Pischke, eds. 1984.

Undermining Rural Development with Cheap Credit. B-Oulder,
CO:Westview Press.

Adams, Dale W., and G.I. Nehman. 1979. "Borrowing Costs and the

Demand for Rural Credit." Journal of Development Studies 15: 165-

Adams, Dale W., and Pablo Romero. 1981. "Group Lending to the Rural

Poor in the Domincan Republic: A Stunted Innovation. " Canadian
Journal of Agricultural Economics July: 216-24.

Adams, Dale W., and Robert C. Vogel. 1986. "Rural Financial Markets in

Low Income Countries: Recent Controversies and Lessons." World
Development 14(4):477-87.

Afwan, Ismah. 1991. "A Review of BRI Unit Development (Background,

Philosophy and Historical Analysis). " Mimeo. Jakarta: Center for
Policy and Implementation Studies (CPIS).

Agabin, Meliza H. 1985. "Rural Savings Mobilization: An Asian

Perspective and Prospect." CB Review 37:7-1 5.

Ahmed, Zia. 1989. "Effective Costs of Rural Loans in Bangladesh" in

World Development 17(3):357-363.

Aleke-Dondo, C., and Albert Kimanthi Mutua. 1990. Informal Financial

Markets in Kenya." Nairobi: Kenya Rural Enterprise Program.

Ardilla Iprosco, Fabio. 1990. "Evaluation of the Omnibus Small Business

Enterprise Project." Mimeo. Bogota, Colombia: Catholic Relief

Arunachalam, Jaya. 1988. "Credit Needs of Women Workers in the informal

Sector, Case Study of Working Women's Forum (India)." Mimeo.

Ashe, Jeffrey. 1985. The Pisces 11 Experience: local Efforts in M icro-

Enterprise Development, vol.2, Case Studies. Washington,

1986. Solidarity Groups and Women's World Bank: Experiences
from Cali, Colombia. Cambridge: ACCION.

Ashe, Jeffrey, Madeline Hirshland, and Jill Burnett. 1992. Access to Credit

for Poor Women: A Scale-up Study of Projects Carried out by
Freedom from Hunger in Mali and Ghana. Washington, DC: GEMINI.

Asociacion Grupos Solidarios de Colombia (AGS). 1991 a. "Balance

Comparativo 1989-1990. " Mimeo. Bogota, Colombia: AGS.

1991 b "Balance General a Diciembre 31 de 1990". Mimeo.
Bogota, Colombia: AGS.

1991c. "Consolidation and Promotion of Solidarity Groups
Microenterprise Programs." Mimeo. Bogota, Colombia: AGS.

1991d. "Final Progress Report/Ford Foundation: Intitutional
consolidation and Research Project." Mimeo. Bogota, Colombia: AGS.

1991e. 1nstitutional Consolidation and Research Project." Final
progress report presented to the Ford Foundation. Bogota, Colombia:

1991f. "Presupuesto de Operacion y Funcionamiento para el ano de
199l." Mimeo. Bogota, Columbia: AGS.

Bakhoum, lbrahima, et al. 1989. Banking the Unbankable: Bringing Credit

to the Poor. London: Panos.

Banco Solidario, S.A. (Bancosol). 1991. "Prouecto de Factibilidad." La Paz, Bolivia.

1992a. "Policy Statement." La Paz,

1992b. "Presupuesto Gestion 1992." La Paz,

Bangladesh Bank. 1979. Problems and issues of Agricultural Credit

and Rural Finance. Dhaka: Bangladesh Bank.

Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI). 1985. Bank Rakyat Indonesia dalam Era Pembangunan 90th Anniversary Book. Jakarta : BRI

1990 "Briefing Booklet: KUPEDES Development Impact Survey".
Jakarta: Planning Research and Development Department, BRI. '

Bartel, Margaret. 1992. "Financial Ratios: A Tool of Financial

Management in Microenterprise Credit Programmes." GEMINI
Technical Report No. 7. Bethesda, MD: Development
Alternatives, Inc.

Bath, Paquita, and Dinora Mendes de Sanchez, eds. 1990. The

Evolution of a Relationship: A History of OEF International and
OEF de EI Salvador. an Salvador: Asociacion para la
Organizacion Empresarial Femenina de EI Salvador (OEF/ES)

Bennett, Lynn. 1990. "An Approach to the Study of Women's Productive

Roles as a Determinant of Intra-Household Allocation Patterns." In
Intra-Household Resource Allocation: Issues and Methods for
Development Policy and Planning, edited by Beatrice Lorge Rogers
and Nina R Schlossman. Tokyo: United Nations University.

Bentson, George J., et al. 1986. Safe and Sound Banking. Past,

Present, and Future. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Berger, Maguerite. 1989. "Giving Women Credit: The Strengths and

limitations of Credit as a Tool for Alleviating Poverty." in World
Development 17 (7)

Berger, Maguerite and Mayra Buvinic, eds. 1989. Women's Ventures:

Assistance to the Informal Sector in Latin America. West Hartford,
CT: Kumarian Press.

Biggs, Tyler S., Donaid R. Snodgrass, and Pradeep Srivastava. 1990. "On

Minimalist Credit Programs." Development Discussion Paper No.
331. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Institute for International Development.

Binswanger, Hans P. and Mark R. Rosenzweig. 1986. "Behavioral and Material

Determinants of Production Relations in Agriculture." Journal of
Development Studies 22(3):503-39

Blair, Harry W. "Agricultural Credit, Political Economy, and Patronage." In

Undermining Rural Development with Cheap Credit, edited by Dale
Adams, Douglas Graham, and J.D. Von Pischke, 183-193. Boulder,
CO: Westview Press.

Boomgard, James J. 1989. "AID Microenterprise Stocktaking: Synthesis

Report." AID Evaluation Special Study No. 65. Washington, DC:

Boomgard, James J., James Hern, Calvin Miller, and Richard H Patten.

192. "A Review of the Prospects for Rural Financial Institution
Development in Bolivia." GEMINI Technical Report No. 3 1.
Bethesda, MD:Development Alternatives, Inc.

Bournan, F.J.A., 1989. Small, Short and Unsecured: Informal Finance in

Rural India. Delhi: Oxford, University Press.

Bourne, Compton, and Douglas H. Graham. 1980. "Funding and Viability of

Rural Development Banks.' Savings and Development 4(4):303-19.

Bratton, Michael, 1986. "Financing Smallholder Production: A

Comparison of Individual and Group Credit Schemes in
Zimbabwe." in Public Administration and Development 6(2)115-

Braverman, Avishay. 1989. "Rural Credit Reforms in LDCs: Issues and

Evidence." in Journal of Economic Development 14:105-21.

Buechler, Simone. 1995. "The Key to Lending to Women Micro-

Enterprises" in Small Enterprise Development 6(2): 4-15.

Buvinic, Mayra. 1989. " Investing in Poor Women: The Psychology of

Donor Support" in World Development 17 (7).

Buzzard, Shirley, and Elaine Edgcomb, eds. 1987. Monitoring and

Evaluating Small Business Projects: A Step by Step Guide fro Private
Development Organizations. New York: PACT Publications.

Castello, Carlos. 1991 a. Asociacion Grupos Solidarios de Colombia:

Definicion, Programas y Resultados. "Mimeo/ Bogota, Colombia.

Castello, Carlos, Katherine Sterns, and Robert Peck Christen. 1991.

Exposing Interest Rates: Their True Significance for
Microentrepreneurs and Credit Programs. Discussion Paper No. 6.
Cambridge, MA: ACCION International.

Center for Women and Development, 1989. "Production Credit for Rural Women
Project. An Impact Evaluation Study." Mimeo. Katmandu, Nepal.

Cernea, Michael, ed. 1985. Putting People First: Sociological Variables

in Rural Development. New York: Oxford University Press.

Chambers, Robert. 1984. Rural Development: Putting the last First.

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Chandravarkar, Anand G. 1987. "The Informal Financial Sector in

Developing Countries". Occasional paper No. 2. Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia: South East Asian Central Banks (SEACEN) Research
and Training Center

Chen, Martha Alter. 1991. Coping with Seasonality and Drought, New Delhi: Sage.

Christen, Robert Peck. 1989. "What Microenterprise Credit Programmes

Can Learn From the Moneylenders. "Discussion Papers Series No.
4, Cambridge, MA:ACCION International.

1990. Financial Management of Micro-Credit Programs: A
Guidebook for NG0s. Cambridge, ACCION International.

Christen, Robert Peck, Elisabeth Rhyne, and Robert Vogel. 1994.

Maximizing the Outreach of Microenterprise Finance: The Emerging
Lessons of Successful Programmes. VA:IMCC.

Creevey, Lucy. 1996. Changing Women's Lives and Work: An

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London: IT Publications.

De Santis, Dennis, and Paola long. 1989. "Microenterprise Stocktaking:

Cameroon. AID Evaluation." Occasional paper No. 23. Washington,

Donald, Gordon. 1976. Credit for Small Farmers in Developing Countries.

Boulder, CO:Westview Press.

Downing, Jeanne. 1990. "Gender and the Growth and

Dynamics of Microenterprises." GEMINI Working Paper No. 5. Bethesda,

MD: Development Alternatives, Inc.

Drake, Deborah, and Maria Otero. 1992. Alchemists for the Poor:

NGO's as Financial Institutions. Cambridge, MA: ACCION

Ebdon, Rosamund. 1995. %GO Expansion and the Fight to Reach the

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Technical Report No. 42. Bethesda, MD:Development Alternatives,

Fisseha, Yacob. 1991. "Small-Scale Enterprises in Lesotho: Summary of a

CountryWide Survey." GEMINI Technical Report No. 14. Bethesda,
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Fisseha, Yacob, and Michael A. McPherson. 1991. "A Countrywide Study of

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24. Bethesda, MD: Development Alternatives, Inc.

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