Bibliography: Informal Credit Markets


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Agabin, Meliza et. al (1989), Intergrative Report on the Informal Credit Markets in the Philippines. Manila: Working Paper Series no. 89-10, Philippine Institute for Development Studies, June, 92 pp.

Agabin, Meliza (1988), A Review of Policies Impinging on the Informal Credit Markets. Manila: Working Paper Series no. 88-12, Philippine Institute for Development Studies, June, 95 pp.

Amin, A.T.M. (1986), The Urban Informal Credit Markets in Bangladesh, Dakka: Unpublished Study Outline submitted to Asian Development Bank, Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies, 10 pp.

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BIDS (1986). Informal Credit Market in Bangladesh - A Review of Literature and a Study Outline Dakka: Unpublished Study Outline submitted to Asian Development Bank, Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies, 36 pp.

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CUNA (1983), What Everyone Should Know About Credit Unions. Information Booklet. Madison, WI: Credit Union National Association, 15 p.

Das-Gupta (1989), Urban Informal Credit Markets in India. New Delhi: National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, February, 585 pp.

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Keyes, William J. (1983), Freedom to Build - Philippines: Experience with the Freedom to Build Project at Dasmarinas, 1976-1982. Bangkok: HSD Research Report no. 3, Division of Human Settlements Development, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, 58 pp.

Kropp, Erhard et. al (1989), Linking Self-Help Groups and Banks in Developing Countries. Eschborn, Germany: Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), 155 p.

KSCB (...), Seed Capital for Co-operative Effort. Bangalore: Karnataka Slum Clearance Board, n.d., 14 pp.

Kui, Ng Beoy (1985) Some Aspects of the Informal Sector in the SEACEM Countries. Staff Papers no. 10, Kuala Lumpur: SEACEN Research and Training Centre, South East Asian Central Banks, 46 pp.

Lamberte, Mario B. and Ma. Theresa Bunda (1988), The Financial Markets in Low-Income Urban Communities: The Case of Sapang Palay. Working Paper Series no. 88-05. Manila: Philippine Institute for Development Studies, March, 81 pp.

Lamberte, Mario (1988) Urban Informal Credit Markets: An Intergrative Report. Working Paper Series no. 88-25, Manila: Philippine Institute for Development Studies, June, 48 pp.

Lamberte, Mario and Jozen Balboza (1988) Informal Savings and Credit Institutions in Urban Aras: The Case of Cooperative Credit Unions. Working Paper Series no. 88-06. Manila: Philippine Institute for Development Studies, June, 155 pp.

Lamberte, Mario (1988). An Analysis of the Role of Pawnshops in the Financial System. Manila: Working Paper Series no. 88-07, Philippine Institute for Development Studies, June, 36 pp.

Lamberte, Mario amd Anita Abad-Jose (1988) The Manufacturing Sector and Informal Credit Markets: The Case of Trade Credits in the Footwear Industry. Manila: Working Paper Series no. 88-07, Philippine Institute for Development Studies, June, 132 pp.

Lamberte, Mario and Joven Balbosa (1988). The manufacturing Sector and the Credit Institutions in the Urban Areas: The Case of Cooperative Credit Unions . Manila: Working Paper Series no. 88-06, Philippine Institute for Development Studies, June, 92 pp.

Lall, V.D. (1988), "Savings in the Midst of Urban Poverty: Need for a New Approach to Assess Urban Poverty" Nagarlok Vol XX, No.4, October-December, pp. 11-21.

Lava, Adia (1989) Case Studies on the Monitoring of Informal Credit Markets. Manila: Working Paper Series no. 89-13, Philippine Institute for Development Studies, June, 59 pp.

Lele, Uma (1981), "Co-operatives and the Poor: A Comperative Perspective" World Development, Volume 9, pp 55-72.

Lindauer, David L. and Ann D. Velenchik (1992), "Government Spending in Developing Countries: Trends, Causes and Consequences". The World Bank Research Observer, Volume 7, Number 1, January, pp. 58-78.

Lycette, Margaret (1984), Improving Women's Access to Credit in the Third World: Policy and Project Recommendations. ICRW Occasional Paper No. 1. Washington D.C.: International Centre for Research on Women, 26 p.

Madeley, John (1984), "Giving Credit where it's Due: Banking on the Landless in Bangladesh". Ideas and Action, Volume 6, No.159,

Mahadevan, Ashok (1992), "Banking on the Poor". Reader's Digest, October, pp. 37-42.

Mahon, Dean (1987), Credit Union Organization and Management - Material for Management Training in Credit Unions. Trainer's Manual. Geneva: International Labour Organization (under MATCOM) with World Council of Credit Unions, 256 p.

Marudachalam, V.M. (1991), "Slum Finance in Madras, India" Habitat International, Vol. 15, No.1/2, pp. 239-246.

Meghir, Rachel (1991), "Formal and Informal Financial Support for Small and Micro-Enterprises" Development - Journal of the Society for International Development. Issue no.1, pp. 102-108

Miracle, Marvin P., Diane S. Miracle and Laurie Cohen (1980), "Informal Savings Mobilization in Africa" Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 28, No. 4, July, pp. 701-724.

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Msewa, Filbert D. (1986). How to Manage a Savings and Credit Cooperative. Lilongwe, Malawi: Malawi Union of Savings and Credit Co-operatives, 40 p.

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