A Typology of Informal Credit Suppliers
Literature reviews of five types of inforaml credit suppliers.
Money Lenders
"The Business of Lending: A Typology of Money Lenders"![]()
Pawn Brokers
"Pledging for Security: Role of Pawn Brokers"![]()
"The Mutuality of Credit: Rotating Savings and Credit Associations"![]()
Friends, Neighbours and Relatives
"Love thy Neighbour: Friends, Neighbours and Relativesas Credit Suppliers"![]()
Community Groups
"When Banks turn the other way: How do the poor manage?"
- Much of the write-up presented above is abstracted from the Ph.D. research report, "Development of a Housing Finance Triangle Linking People's Organizations, NGOs, and Commercial Banks in Developing Countries" presented in June 1996 at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. The focus, as in the report, is on India, with case studies and references drawn from other South and Southeast Asian countries. References cited in the tables can be found in the Homepages's Bibliography Section. Additional material and substantiations are welcome ... Please send them to the email below.
Hari Srinivas - hsrinivas@gdrc.org
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