Workshop Themes from the Microcredit Summit Plus Five (10-13 November 2002)
    Workshop themes for The Microcredit Summit+5, Nov.10-13 2002, New York

    The list of topics are shared here to illustrate the importance of the topics for training and capacity building initiatives. Go through the list, identify which ones are important, check you networks to see if they have any resources on them, look at the list of training programmes, and also browse the Virtual Library.

    1. Introduction to the Basics of Designing a Sustainable Microcredit Program to Serve Very Poor People in Developing Countries and Other Regions
    2. Successful Management Strategies to Reduce Cost and Improve Efficiency
    3. Selecting the most appropriate Management Information System for my Microfinance Institution
    4. External Audits for MFIs
    5. New Initiatives in MFI Ratings
    6. Designing Internal Control Systems to Minimize Fraud and Irregularities
    7. Delinquency Management Including Overcoming Repayment Crises
    8. Ownership and Governance in Microfinance
    9. Developing Demand-Driven Financial Services for the Very Poor: Understanding Your Market and the Underlying Needs of your Clients
    10. Overcoming Legal and Regulatory Constraints to Savings Mobilization
    11. Methods of Reducing Risk Through Microinsurance and Other Methods
    12. Managing the Growth of Microcredit Programs: Human Resource Management Including Recruiting, Training and Motivating Staff
    13. Developing Effective Linkages between MFIs and the Formal Banking Sector
    14. Addressing the Challenge of High Dropout Rates
    15. Introduction to Designing Cost-Effective Business Development Services for Very Poor Clients in Developing Countries
    16. Introduction to Designing Cost-Effective Business Development Services for Poor Clients in Industrialized Countries
    17. How Microcredit Practitioners in Developing Countries and Other Regions Can Build and Manage Sustainable National Networks
    18. Microfinance in Challenging Environments Including Post-Conflict Areas and Regions Affected by Natural Disasters
    19. HIV/AIDS and Microfinance: What Are the Links?
    20. Using Microfinance to Link the Application of Information Technology and the Very Poor
    21. Empowerment of Women Through Microcredit
    22. How UN Agencies Fund Microcredit Programs
    23. How Bilateral Donor Agencies Fund Microcredit Programs
    24. How International Financial Institutions Provide Lending For Microcredit
    25. How Parliamentarians, Advocates, and Other Leaders Can Get High-Level Government Commitment to Microcredit Programs and the Summit's Goal
    26. How Corporations, Service Clubs and Others Can Find and Appropriately Support Local Microcredit Programs for the Poor
    27. The Credit Union/Cooperative Experience in Reaching the Very Poor
    28. The Youth Employment Summit and Microcredit: Next Steps
    29. Microcredit and the Media: Effective Strategies for Generating Coverage
    30. How MFIs and their Clients Can Have a Positive Impact on the Environment
    31. Making Microfinance Work in Inaccessible Mountainous and Rural Areas With Low Population Densities
    32. Transparency on the depth of outreach: Indicators for programs' performance and new efforts to cost-effectively measure absolute poverty
    33. How Microcredit Programs Can Do Major Gift Fundraising
    34. Strategic Planning: Designing Programs and Evaluating Performance
    35. Transformation of Microfinance Operations from NGO to a Regulated MFI
    36. Cost Effectively Integrating Microfinance with Literacy Programs
    37. The Client Perspective: Experiences of the Beneficiaries of Microfinance
    38. Finding Innovative Ways To Link Renewable Energy Devices with Clients of Microcredit Programs
    39. Innovative ways of reaching and benefiting the poorest and most vulnerable
    40. Strengthening Local Savings and Credit Federations Owned by Grassroots Women Clients
    41. Savings Mobilization: Overcoming the Obstacles
    42. Instituting Sufficient Security Measures for Safe Transport of Cash by MFI Staff
    43. Establishing a Credit Registration System to Prevent MFI Clients From Heavily Indebting Themselves
    44. Microcredit as a tool to Assist the Poorest in Urban Areas of Developing Countries
    45. Microcredit and Agriculture: How to Make It Work
    46. Microenterprise Programs for Welfare Recipients in Industrialized Countries
    47. Access to Markets: Assisting Entrepreneurs in Identifying and Servicing Markets For Their Products and Services

Source: Posted on the Devfinance mailing list
Hari Srinivas -

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