The Informal Sector
Distinguishing Characteristics of the Informal Sector
Employment, Enterprise, Habitat and Credit
- Employment
Characteristics of the people engaged in the informal sector
- Absence of official protection and recognition
- Non coverage byminimum wage legislation and social security system
- Predominance of own-account and self-employment work
- Absence of trade union organization
- Low income and wages
- Little job security
- No fringe benefits from institutional sources
- Enterprise
Characteristics of the activities in the informal sector
- Unregulated and competitive markets
- Small scale operation with individual or family ownership
- Ease of entry
- Reliance on locally available resources
- Family ownership of enterprises
- Labour intensive and adapted technology
- Absence of access to institutional credit or other supports and protections
- Habitat
Characteristics of the informal sector land and housing
- Unauthorized use of vacant public or private land
- Illegal subdvision and/or rental of land
- Unauthorized construction of structures and buildings
- Reliance on low cost and locally available scrap construction materials
- Absence of restrictive standards and regulations
- Reliance on family labour and artisanal techniques for construction
- Non-availability of mortgage or any other subsidized finance
- Credit
Characteristics of informal credit markets
- Unregulated and non-subsidized
- Easy accessibility
- Availability in very small size and for short terms
- Low administrative and procedural costs
- Little of no collateral requirements
- Flexible interest rates (fom very high to no interest at all)
- Highly flexible transactions and repayments tailored to individual needs