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Bibliography on the Informal Sector

Hari Srinivas

  1. Bromley, Ray (1990) "A New Path to Development? The Significance and Impact of Hernando de Soto's Ideas on Underdevelopment, Production, and Reproduction", Economic Geography. Oct. p 328.
  2. Alba Idunate, Pascual Garcia 1982 La Evacion Fiscal en Mexico Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Azcapotzalco. Mexico.
  3. Alonso, Jorge, et al 1980 Lucha Urbana y Acumulacion de Capital. Ed. La Casa Chata, Mexico City.
  4. Amin, A.T.M. Nurul (1986) "Urban Unemployment and Underemployment" in Islam, R and M. Muqtada (eds.) Bangladesh: Selected Issues in Employment and Development. New Delhi: ILO-ARTEP, International Labour Organization, pp. 21-39.
  5. Amin, A.T.M. Nurul (1989) Handbook on Urban Informal Sector Bangkok: Division of Human Settlements Development, Asian Institute of Technology.
  6. Amin, A.T.M. Nurul (1992), "Employment Policies for the Urban Informal Sector in South and South-East Asia". Proceedings of a Seminar organized by ILO, Bangkok, 12-16 October. Geneva: Employment and Development Department, ILO.
  7. Amin, A.T.M. Nurul (1992), Urban Planning in the Metropolitan Areas of Asia: The Challenge of Accommodating the Informal Sector. Draft Research Paper.
  8. Birbeck, Chris 1978 "Self-Employed Proletarians in an Informal Factory: The Case of Cali's Garbage Dump" In World Development Vol 6, #9/10
  9. Bromley, Ray 1978 "Organization, Regulation and Exploitation in the So-Called `Urban Informal Sector': The Street Traders of Cali, Colombia" In World Development Vol 6 # 9/10.
  10. Bromley, Ray 1990 "A New Path to Development? The Significance and Impact of Hernando de Soto's Ideas on Development, Production and Reproduction" Economic Geography, p 328.
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  14. Burki, Shaid Javed, and Guillermo E. Perry et al. 1998. Beyond the Washington Consensus: Institutions Matter. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank.
  15. Buscaglia, Edgardo, and Maria Dakolias. 1996. "Judicial Reform in Latin American Courts: the experience in Argentina and Ecuador." World Bank Technical Paper, 350.
  16. Cadwell, Charles, and Patrick Meagher. 1996. "Collateral Law and Economic Transitions." CIPE, Economic Reform Today, 1.
  17. Capecchi, Vittorio. 1989. "The Informal Economy and the Development of Flexible Specialization in Emilia-Romagna." In Alejandro Portes, Manuel Castells and Lauren A. Benton, eds., The Informal Economy: Studies in Advanced and Less Developed Countries. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
  18. Castells, M. 1984. "Small Business in a World Economy: The Hong Kong Model, Myth and Reality." In The Urban Informal Sector: recent trends in research and theory. Conference Proceedings. Department of Sociology. The Johns Hopkins University. Typescript Manuscript.
  19. Castells, Manuel & Portes, Alejandro 1989 "World Underneath: The origins, dynamics and effects of the Informal Economy" In Portes, Alejandro, Castells, Manuel & Benton, Lauren A., Eds. The Informal Economy: Studies in Adavnced and Less Developed Countries. John Hopkins University Press.
  20. Charmes J. (1989): 35 Years of National Accounts of Informal Sector in Burkina Faso: 1954-1989. Lessons of an Experience and Perspectives for Improvement (in French). Ministry of Planning and Co-operation, UNDP-DTCD, Ouagadougou, 108p.
  21. Charmes J. (1996a): Informal Sector in Burkina Faso. Trends in the Long Term and Follow-up in the Short Term. (in French). Ministry of Economy, Finance and Plan, GTZ, Ouagadougou, 29p.
  22. Charmes J. (1996b): Employment, Informalization, Marginalization: Africa in the Crisis and under Adjustment (in French), in: Coussy J. and Vallin J. eds.(1996): Crises and Population in Africa. Economic Crises, Adjustment Policies and Population Dynamics. Ceped, Paris, 580p.
  23. Charmes J. (1996c): Progress in Measurement of Informal Sector Employment, in Regional Development Dialogue RDD, vol. 17, nE 1. Spring 1996, special issue on "Two decades of informal sector studies: Lessons learned". Nurul Amin A.T.M. ed., 199p.(cf.pp. 18-30).
  24. Charmes J. (1997): Informal Sector and Micro-enterprises in Tunisia: Towards a Renewed Approach. (in French). National Institute of Statistics, Tunis, Paris, 14p.
  25. Charmes J. (1998a): Progress in Measurement of the Informal Sector: Employment and Share of GDP, in UN Statistics Division (1998): Handbook of National Accounting. Household Accounting: Experiences in the Use of Concepts and Their Compilation. Volume 1: Household Sector Accounts. New York, 372p. (cf. pp. 171-188).
  26. Charmes J. (1998b): Micro-enterprises in Africa. The Need for a Follow-up Survey of their Dynamics and Role in Job Creation Within the Continuous Expansion of the Informal Sector. Conference on "Enterprise in Africa: Between Poverty and Growth". University of Edinburgh - Centre of African Studies. 26-28 May 1998. Edinburgh, 11p.
  27. Chickering, Lawrence and Mohamed Saladine [Eds.] (1992) "The Silent Revolution: The Informal Sector in Five Asian and Near Eastern Countries" San Francisco: International Centre for Economic Growth, 245 pp.
  28. Chong, Alberto, and Cesar Calderon. 1998. "Institutional Efficiency and Income Inequality: Cross Country Empirical Evidence." Washington, D.C.: The World Bank. Typescript Manuscript.
  29. Coase, Ronald H. . 1972. "Industrial Organization: a proposal for research." In Victor R. Fuchs, ed., Policy Issues and Research Opportunities in Industrial Organization. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, 59-73.
  30. Coase, Ronald H. 1937. "The Nature of the Firm." Economica, IV, November 386-405.
  31. Cole, Williamson E., and Bichaka Fayissa. 1991. "Urban Subsistence Labor Force: towards a policy-oriented and empirically accessible taxonomy." World Development, 19, July.
  32. Cornelius, Wayne A. 1975 Politics and the Migrant Poor in Mexico City. Stanford University Press, Stanford.
  33. Costa, Arthur M., Luiz Pedone and David Fleischer. 1998. "Brazil: targeting corruption in public bidding." CIPE, Economic Reform Today, 2.
  34. Cross, John. 1993. The Politics of Street Vending in Mexico City: The Other Resistance. University Microfilm International. Ann Arbor, Michigan.
  35. De Soto, Hernando (1986) The Other Path: The Invisible Revolution in the Third World. New York, Harper & Row, 1989.
  36. De Soto, Hernando. 1996. "Securing Property Rights: the foundation of markets" (an interview). CIPE, Economic Reform Today, 1.
  37. De Soto, Hernando. 2000. The Mystery of Capitalism: why capitalism triumphs in the West and fails everywhere else. New York: Basic Books.
  38. Diamond, Larry. 2000. "Is Pakistan the (Reverse) Wave of the Future?" Journal of Democracy, July, 11, 91-106.
  39. Djankov, Simeon, Rafael La Porta, Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes, and Andrei Shleifer. 2000. "The Regulation of Entry." Harvard Institute of Economic Research, Discussion Paper Number 1904, September. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University.
  40. Dolan, Kerry A. 2000. "Waking Dead Capital." Forbes, May 15.
  41. Domingo, Pilar. 1999. "Judicial Independence and Judicial Reform in Latin America." In Andreas Schedler et al., eds., The Self-Restraining State: Power and Accountability in New Democracies. Boulder, Co.: Lynne Rienner, 151-175.
  42. ECA. INSTRAW. UNSO (1990): Handbook on Compilation of Statistics on Women in the Informal Sector in Industry. Trade and Services in Africa. Santo Domingo and New York, 141p.
  43. ECA. INSTRAW. UNSO (1990): Synthesis of Pilot Studies on Compilation of statistics on Women in the Informal Sector in Industry. Trade and Services in Four African Countries. Santo Domingo and New York, 110p.
  44. Eggertsson, Thrainn. 1990. Economic Behavior and Institutions. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  45. Enste, Dominik, and Friedrich Schneider. 1998. "Increasing Shadow Economies all over the World--Fiction or Reality? A survey of the global evidence of their size and of their impact from 1970 to 1995." The Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) Discussion Paper 26, December. Bonn, Germany: IZA.
  46. Excelsior Mexico City daily newspaper (Date of publication noted).
  47. Farrell, Graham, John Roman and Matthew Fleming. 2000. "Conceptualizing the Shadow Economy." Journal of International Affairs, 53, 2, Spring, 387-412.
  48. Feige, Edgar L. 1990. "Defining and Estimating Underground and Informal Economies: The New Institutional Economics Approach." World Development, 18, 7, 989-1002.
  49. Fernandez-Kelly, M. Patricia & Anna M. Garcia. 1989. "Informalization at the Core: Hispanic Women, Homework, and the Advanced Capitalist State." pp 247-264 in The Informal Economy: Studies in Advanced and Less developed Countries. Edited by Alejandro Portes, Manuel Castells & Lauren A. Benton. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
  50. Galal, Ahmed, and Mary Shirley. 1995. Bureaucrats in Business. New York: Oxford University Press (for the World Bank).
  51. Grossman, Peter Z. 1994. "Douglass North: Why some nations can sustain growth." CIPE, Economic Reform Today, 3.
  52. Gwartney, James, and Robert Lawson. 1996. "Economic Freedom and the Growth of Emerging Markets." CIPE, Economic Reform Today, 1.
  53. Gwartney, James, Robert Lawson and Walter Block. 1997. Economic Freedom of the World, 1997. Vancouver, B.C.: The Fraser Institute.
  54. Hart, J Keith 1970 "Small-scale Entrepreneurs in Ghana and Development Planning" In The Journal of Development Studies Vol. 6, #4, 104-120.
  55. Hart, J Keith 1973 "Informal Income Opportunities and Urban Employment in Ghana" In The Journal of Modern African Studies Vol. 11, #1, 61-89.
  56. Heritage Foundation. 1997. Index of Economic Freedom. Washington, D.C.: Heritage Foundation.
  57. Holden, Paul, and Sarath Rajapatirana. 1995. Unshackling the Private Sector: A Latin American Story. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank.
  58. ILO (1992): Statistics on Employment in the Informal Sector: XVth International Conference of Labour Statisticians. Geneva, 19-28 January 1993. Report III. 91p.
  59. ILO (1993): XVth International Conference of Labour Statisticians. Report of the Conference. Geneva.
  60. International Labour Organisation. 1999. Trade Unions and the Informal Sector. Http://
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  62. Ivanovic, P., B. Vujosevic, M. Toland, J. Kaludjerovic, J. Jaukovic and V. Kavaric. 2000. "The Process of Establishing Enterprises in Montenegro and Proposals for Reform." Podgorica, Yugoslavia: Center for Entrepreneurship, April.
  63. Jain, D. 1980. Women's Quest for Power. Vikas Publishing: Ghaziabad.
  64. Johnson, Simon, Daniel Kaufmann and Pablo Zoido-Lobaton. 1999. "Corruption, Public Finances and the Unofficial Economy." The World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series, 2169.
  65. Johnson, Simon, Daniel Kaufmann, and Andrei Shleifer. 1997. "The Unofficial Economy in Transition." Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 2:159-239.
  66. Kallay, Laszlo. 2000. "Barriers to Participation: the informal sector in emerging democracies. The case of Hungary." Budapest: The Institute for Small Business Development. Typescript Manuscript.
  67. Kanaga, William S. 1999. "Corporations Must Act Ethically." CIPE, Economic Reform Today, 1.
  68. Kaufmann, Daniel, and Aleksander Kaliberda. 1996. "Integrating the Unofficial Economy into the Dynamics of Post-Socialists Economies: a framework of analysis and evidence." The World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series, 1691.
  69. Kaufmann, Daniel. 1994. "Diminishing Returns to Administrative Control and the Emergence of the Unofficial Economy: a framework of analysis and application to Ukraine." Economic Policy, 9, Supple., December, 51-69.
  70. Lagos, Ricardo. 1992. "Barriers to Legality and their Costs for the Informal Sector." In Tokman, ed., Beyond Regulation: the informal economy in Latin America. Boulder, Co.: Lynne Rienner.
  71. Leebtritz, W., J. Thorton, and A. Bibbee. 1997. "Taxation and Economic Performance." OECD Working Paper, 176.
  72. Lim, David 1992 "Capturing the Effects of Capital Subsidies" The Journal of Development Studies, 28:705-716
  73. Lipton, Michael (1980) "Family, Fungibility and Formality: Rural Advantages of Informal Non-farm Enterprise versus the Urban-formal State" in Amin, Samir (ed) Human Resources, Employment and Development. Volume 5: Developing Countries. Pro-
  74. Loayza, Norman. 1997. "The Economics of the Informal Sector: A simple model and some empirical evidence from Latin America." The World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series, 1727.
  75. Lomnitz, Larissa 1977 "Mechanisms of Articulation between Shantytown Settlers and the Urban System" In Urban Anthropology Vol. 7, 185-205.
  76. Londono V, Santiago et al 1984 "La Economia de la Tienda de Barrio" In Camara de Comercio de Bogota El Comercio Informal: Un tratamiento Nacional para un Problema Nacional. Bogota.
  77. Louw, Leon. 1996. "South Africa: Property Rights and Democracy." CIPE, Economic Reform Today, 1.
  78. Loza, Sarah. 1991. "Urban Street-Food Vendors: Case Study from Egypt". Cairo Papers in Social Science, 14:46-52.
  79. Marer, Paul, and Csaba Gelenyi. 1999. The Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) in Hungary, 1989-1999: CIPE’s contributions to strengthening private enterprise and building democracy--a program evaluation. Washington, D.C.: CIPE. See
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  82. Molkner, Keith. 1997. "Legal Structures to Promote Economic Growth." CIPE, Economic Reform Today, 1.
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  86. North, Douglass. 1992. "Transaction Costs, Institutions, and Economic Performance." International Center for Economic Growth, Occasional Paper, 30. San Francisco: Institute for Contemporary Studies Press.
  87. Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development -- The Development Center, in cooperation with CIPE, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, and USAID. 1999. Final Report on the Washington Conference on Corruption: Fighting Corruption in Developing Countries and Emerging Economies: The role of the private sector. February 22-23.
  88. Peattie, Lisa A. (1987) "An Idea in Good Currency and How it Grew: The Informal Sector", World Development Vol. 15, no.7, pp.851-860.
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