International Cooperation

International Cooperation
Name Activities Address TEL/FAX
1. Japan International Volunteer Center Assists refugees, rural development, environmental protection in developing countries. Maruko Bldg. 6F 1-20-6 Higashiueno Taito-ku, Tokyo 110 Tel 03-3834-2388
JVC (Nihon kokusai volunteer center) Fax 03-3835-0519
2. Japan Committee for Negros Campaign Assists people in Negros for their self-sustenance. Sunrise Shinjuku 3F, 2-4-15 Okubo, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169 Tel 03-5273-8160
Fax 03-5273-8667
(Nihon Negros Campaign iinkai)  
3. Association Sahel Afforests in Sahel. Conducts research on vegetation, water resources, and life in Sahel. 3-21-4 Nishihara, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151 Tel 03-3460-3912
(Sahel-no kai) Fax 03-3460-3912
4. Shapla Neer-Citizen's Committee in Japan for Oversease Suppoort Assists rural development and literacy education in Bangladesh and Nepal. Waseda Hoshien, 2-3-1 Nishiwaseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169 Tel 03-3202-7863
Fax 03-3202-4593
(Shapla Neer-Shimin-niyoru kaigai kyoryoku-no kai)  
5. Japan Sotoshu Relief Committee Assists refugees, rural development, slum dwellers, vocational education in Thailand, Cambodia and Laos. Jibokaikan 2&3F, 31 Daikyocho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160 Tel 03-5360-1233
(SVA-Sotoshu kokusai volunteer kai) Fax 03-5360-1220

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Comments and additions: Hari Srinivas -