National Laws covering NPOs in Japan

NPOs in Japan are covered under a number of national laws and legislation, and as such have to follow the provisions and rules under these laws. They include:
  • The Constitution of Japan (1946)
  • Trust Law Article 66 (1923) [regulation of public charitable trusts]
  • Corporation Tax Act (1965)
  • Private School Law, Article 3 (1949)
  • Fundamental Law of Education, Article 3 (1947)
  • Religious Corporation Law, Article 4 (1951)
  • Social Welfare Business Law, Article 22 (1951)
  • Medical Corporation Law, Article 39 (1950)
  • Relief and Rehabilitation Enterprise Law (1995)
  • Local Autonomy Law 260(2) (1991) [regulation of neighborhood associations]
  • Law to Promote Specified Nonprofit Activities ("SNC Law") (2003) (Translation)
  • Association and Foundation Law, the Law on Recognizing Organizations as Public Interest, and the Law to Consolidate Relevant Laws (2008).
  • Tax Law
  • Income Tax Law Enforcement Ordinance

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Hari Srinivas -