- There are currently 250 NGOs with an annual budget of \1 million (US$ 8,700).
- 40% have an annual budget of between \10 million (US$ 86,000) and \50 milion (US$ 435,000).
- 13% have an annual budget of more than \100 million (US$ 860,000).
- 10% of NGOs have legal status. 90% do not have legal status.
- NGOs derive income from:
- Donations, membership fees, and income-generating activities ---- 66%
- Subsidies from governmental bodies (*1) ---- 14%
- Grants from private foundations ---- 4%
- Contract funds from government and UN agencies ---- 5%
- Others ---- 10%
- There are about 1,200 paid staff working in NGOs (*2), of which 25% is on part-time basis.
- About 280,000 are individual supporting / sustaining members of NGOs. About 5,900 companies/corporations support 80 NGOs, of which over 50% are supported by less than ten companies. Only 7 NGOs are supported by more than 100 companies.
- About 100 NGOs are supported by about 4,500 non-profit organizations, such as churches, temples, labor unions, and junior chambers.
- Main activities of NGOs are divided into:
- Overseas work: Education, medical and health services, vocational training, environmental protection, rural development, relief and emergency assistance for refugees, fair trade
- Domestic work: Development education / gobal citizenship education, advocacy, protecting human rights of foreigners in Japan
- Source: JANIC - 2001
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Comments and suggestions:
Hari Srinivas - hsrinivas@gdrc.org