How to Prepare Yourself for a Job That Hasn’t Been Invented Yet

Pedagogy – Learning about Learning
Pedagogy – Learning about Learning
How to Prepare Yourself for a Job That Hasn’t Been Invented Yet
Infusing five processes into assignments can help students hone the skills they’ll need to address complex problems.
Learning Ecosystem: Why You Need One, How to Build It
What’s causing climate change, in 10 charts. Different ways of looking at the problem – we live in an unequal world.
Internet? Web? Online tools? What are those?!
Globally, about 50% of learners do not have access to a household computer. Will the COVID-19 lockdowns increase the education divide?
One way to produce skilled workers is by training them in the workplace where they get practical knowledge and skills. Vocational training programs will be more effective if work-based learning and structured off-the-job learning in a classroom setting are combined.
As the types of skills needed in the labour market change rapidly, individual workers will have to engage in life-long learning if they are to achieve fulfilling and rewarding careers.
– World Economic Forum
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We have the tools to reskill for the future. Where is the will to use them? – World Economic Forum
In the first study of its kind, the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) has released a report which examines students’ ability to work in groups to solve problems. It ranks the findings by both nationality and gender, with Singaporean girls coming top of the class.
Read full story by WEF:
The best leaders know a lot about the domain in which they are leading, and part of what makes them successful in a management role is technical competence. For example, a doctor leading a hospital.
– Harward Business Review