Don’t “retire” at 65

Read this text+video about a new notion of “retiring” – not as a linear goal, but as a cyclical path of learning-working-retiring and back again.

Notion of Retirement

Pedagogy takes on a new meaning with this view!

“Multi-stage” Careers

What do we need to be learning, and developing what skills, in order to be able to follow the “multi-stage” career path suggested by this image? What them would or educational goals be?

Robots will soon do your taxes and bookkeeping

Bookkeeping had a 97.6 percent chance of being automated in the near future. Accounting and auditing did only a little better, at 95.3 percent.

Where would we then stand in terms of creating professionals to face this change? What would they need to do? What (new) skills would they need? How would their educational needs change? The pedagogy challenge is huge, and we need new strategies now …

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