- Asbestos
A business does not purchase or use materials containing crocidolite or amosite asbestos. Where necessary, appropriate safety measures can be taken where no practical alternative materials are available.
- Pesticides and Agro-Chemicals
A business manages potentially-hazardous chemicals in a manner that minimizes the use of pesticides and agro-chemicals, whilst maintaining acceptable standards of public health and agricultural production, and also minimizes the risk of unintended environmental contamination in transport, storage, use and disposal.
This policy can be backed up with strict guidelines, detailing pesticides to avoid, procedures for pesticide selection, application and disposal. In principle, use of pesticides and chemicals can be prohibited, unless sanctioned by a qualified, on-site specialist.
- Ozone-Depleting Substances
A bsuiness should not purchase which contain, or use in their manufacture, substances controlled under the Montreal Protocol. Goods with less ozone-depleting potential should be preferred. This policy should be backed up by appropriate and strong technical guidelines. Knowing how to identify products which are likely to contain, or use in their manufacture, controlled ozone-depleting substances, can form part of the procurement staff training course.
- Office Paper and Equipment
A business should purchase and use recycled paper, produced with environmentally-friendly bleaching methods, and environmentally-friendly computer equipment.