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Come to think of it ...
Man-on-the-street Strategies
Come to think of it ... no environmental solution is good enough if it is not relevant to the man-on-the-street. This is my favourite mantra: You cannot just walk up to the man-on-the-street and say, "Hey, you are responsible for global warming. Do something about it!"

Quite obviously, a global warning on warming has to be filtered down to the local level, and solutions appropriately scaled down so that individual persons can find individual solutions.

Man-on-the-street strategies take the form of linking local actions to global problems, and include: (a) Creating links between short-term local actions and its long-term global effects/impacts; (b) Building scenarios and forecasts - both good and bad; (c) Making people scared! This is critical for lifestyle changes; (d) Providing numbers/statistics, but in an easily understandable way, including the implications of that data; (e) Giving information samples directly related to the individual, and at that level (not at the level of the city or the nation); (f) Painting pictures and visions, again at the individual level, so that it is easily understood and achievable. Tell people what is happening; (g) Building networks and share information - Provide an opportunity for more interaction and participation to take place.

Little drops of water make the mighty ocean, and it is little, simple, micro action taken by the man-on-the-street that has lasting global impact that will solve global problems.

Mmmmmm ....

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