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Come to think of it ...
An Urban Focus for a Global Solution
Come to think of it ... most global environmental problems can find their origins in urban ares. It is a legacy of urban living, urban lifestyles, urban settlements that has created the now familiar list of global problems - air and water pollution, global warming, et al.

Out of sight, out of mind - is the general attitudes of urban residents, focusing merely on the immediate and tangible environment alone. But few realize that the urban environmental 'footprint' goes far beyond the administrative boundaries of a city or urban area.

Drinking a just cup of coffee every morning initiates a cycle of needs and wants that go far beyond the specificity of location or time where it takes place. As the proverb extols, "there is many a sip between the cup and the lip" - there are indeed many impacts for every cup of coffee we drink, which cumulatively have a significant impact on the environment.

Mmmmmm ....

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