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UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development

Consultative Processes for the UN-DESD

Community-based Processes
The term “community” is used here in a broad sense to indicate those who share a common milieu and therefore face an interlocking set of challenges in sustainable development.

Community-based institutions and organisations such as: schools, school support groups, cultural associations, youth organisations, cooperatives, faith-based groupings, self-help groups, development committees.

Working individually to:
- integrate ESD into regular learning activities and programmes;
- identify and implement learning strategies.

Cooperating in ad hoc or formal local groupings to:
- identify local sustainable development challenges;
- integrate local knowledge and skills into ESD;
- exchange ESD experiences and learn lessons for better practice.
National, Provincial & Local Government Processes
Actors at national level:
- Education ministry and other relevant ministries;
- NGOs, NGO and civil society networks and alliances;
- Media groups and agencies;
- Private sector companies and trade associations.

Working individually to:
- provide a national policy framework for ESD;
- budget and mobilise resources;
- support sub-national departments;
- foster public awareness on ESD and SD;
- facilitate exchange and information sharing among their members about ESD practices and experiences;
- integrate ESD and SD awareness building into media strategies;
- provide a forum to identify SD challenges they face, and identify necessary learning needs.

Working together as an national ESD task force to:
- debate and recommend ESD policy options which reflect local-level experience and challenges;
- integrate ESD into EFA and UNLD planning in the context of the EFA forum;
- provide a forum for exchange of experience, positive and negative, in ESD;
- identify research issues in ESD and plan cooperative research projects;
- identify capacity-building needs and the actor best placed to meet them;
- develop relevant monitoring indicators for ESD.
Regional Processes
Wider regional grouping for education for sustainable development will be useful coordinating bodies too.

Actors at regional level :
- National government representatives;
- Regional intergovernmental organisations;
- Regional civil society and NGO networks, coalitions and alliances;
- Regional media groupings;
- Regional private sector associations;
- Regional representatives of international agencies;
- Regional representatives of bilateral cooperation.

Working individually to:
- support national-level policy-making;
- foster exchange of experience and information;
- foster exchange and learning among member networks and organizations;
- share media strategies for SD and ESD;
- promote cooperation of private sector with other actors in ESD;
- learn and communicate common lessons from cross-national experience;
- facilitate cross-national exchange on ESD;
- assess ways to support national and regional ESD initiatives.

Working together as a regional ESD group to:
- conduct regional consultations on priorities for DESD;
- share policies, practices, knowledge and progress;
- identify common challenges;
- learn from diverse strategies;
- forge consensus on regional challenges and action;
- organise cross-national training and capacity-building.
International Processes
There are already several forums where ESD issues can and should be prominently and regularly on the agenda. For example, the Commission for Sustainable Development (CSD), relevant conferences of all United Nations agencies, programmes and organizations, NGO networks and various EFA and literacy meetings. Many more useful suggestions will be made and included before the finalization of the draft International Implementation Scheme.

Actors at international level:
- International Ad hoc Working Group;
- Intergovernmental agencies (UN and others);
- UNESCO (DESD Lead Agency);
- Civil society and NGO networks;
- Bilateral and multilateral development agencies.

Working individually to:
- gather information on developments in ESD and emerging priorities;
- promoting DESD;
- contribute to Inter-Agency Task Force;
- integrate ESD planning into relevant workplans and initiatives;
- participate in international and regional for a promotion and capacity building for ESD and DESD within and across UNESCO sectors;
- advocacy and communication with international community;
- building partnerships and collective momentum;
- promote inter-regional exchange and learning;
- inform members of ESD developments;
- integrate ESD into programmes and budgets;
- promote research in ESD.

Working together in various fora to:
- advise UNESCO on developments and emerging priorities in ESD;
- assist UNESCO in forming partnerships and developing projects in support of DESD;
- keep ESD high on the CSD agenda;
- mobilise political will and strengthen mutual commitment, through CSD, or an Inter-Agency Task Force;
- integrate ESD into EFA agendas (Monitoring Report, High-Level and Working Groups);
- foster global exchange of practice, policy and progress;
- organise international, regional and sub-regional capacity building workshops, and conferences to advance DESD and ESD.

Source: UNESCO

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