Urban Governance: A Sourcebook on Indicators

1.  Good Governance & Employment / Job Creation
Elements of Good Governance Code # Indicator
Participation 1.1.1 % increase in new investments, industrial and commercial, in the city during the past 2 years compared
    to the previous 5 years? (from Chamber of Commerce City Branch or Registrar of Companies data)
Strategic Vision 1.2.1 Availability of a clearly defined City Council policy to encourage job creation in the city?
    (from City Council's Office)
Rule of Law 1.3.1 The extent of review and revision of municipal legislation during the past 2 years to promote/support
    new investments in the city? (from City’s Legal Dept. data)
    If yes, what are they?
  1.3.2 % reduction in the number of children under 15 years employed in the city during the past 2 years?
    (from City Labour Office/ NGO/Research records)
Transparency 1.4.1 % of municipal vacancies in the following categories advertised in the media for the public to respond?
    (from City Office’s Administration Branch data)
    Senior level vacancies?
    Mid and Junior management level vacancies?
Elements of Good Governance Code # Indicator
Responsiveness 1.5.1 Availability of an Employment Promotion & Facilitation Counter in the City Office?
    (from City Administration office)
  1.5.2 Availability of the following City Council incentives to new investors?
    (from City Office Dept.)
    Serviced plots at reasonable prices?
    Municipal tax rebates for the initial years?
    Single window facilitation counters for investors?
    Ready-reckoner system for bottleneck clearance?
    Data-services for planning?
  1.5.3 Availability of the following City Council incentives to promote the informal sector?
    (from City Administration office)
    Credit for self-employment?
    Market space at reasonable rates?
    Vocational skills training?
Consensus Orientation 1.6.1 Availability of an all-party consensus on the municipal strategy on Employment and Job Creation?
  (from the City Council minutes and records)
Elements of Good Governance Code # Indicator
Equity 1.7.1 % reduction in the city’s unemployment rate during the past two years?
    (from City Labour Office data)
  1.7.2 % improvement in the City’s GINI Index of income inequality, if available?
    (from Dept. of Economic Affairs or Dept. of Planning data)
  1.7.3 % increase during the past two years in the mean wages of the female unskilled-labour force in the City
    compared to male wages? (from City Labour Office data)
  1.7.4 % increase in the number of women workers per every 100 male workers? 
    (from City Labour Office data)
Effectiveness and Efficiency 1.8.1 % reduction during the past 2 years in the average time one had to be on a job-bank waiting list before
    getting a job? (from Job Bank/Employment Counter data)
  1.8.2 % increase in the number of new employees recruited by the City’s major industrial/commercial
    establishments during the past two years? (from Chamber of Commerce or City Labour Office data)
Accountability 1.9.1 Number of special City Council debates held last year on City's Unemployment and Job Creation?
    (from Council meeting records)
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Comments and suggestions to - hsrinivas@gdrc.org