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& Ecological



  • Introduction:

    SEEDS, a non profit voluntary organization, is a collective endeavor of young professionals drawn from development related fields. It originated as an informal group of like minded persons, getting together for the purpose of creative research projects of academic interest. The group was later formalized in early 1994 and has been active in the field ever since. It is involved in research activities in Community Development, Disaster Management, Environmental Planning, Transport Planning, and Urban and Regional Planning. Activities are carried out on behalf of government, semi - government and international development agencies. Independent programs on vital issues are also taken up.

    SEEDS is involved in the following types of activities :-

    • Feasibility studies
    • Appraisal and other retrofit studies
    • Training & Dissemination
    • Documentation of current practices
    • Systems Analysis & Programming
    • Design development.
    • Action Based Research

  • Areas of Operation:

    • Community Development:
      Awareness and Education Programs, Liaison between Community and Government agencies, Gender Issues, Community Resettlement & Rehabilitation , Low Cost Housing and Services.

    • Disaster Management:
      Hazard Zoning , Risk Assessment and Mitigation Plans.

    • Environmental Sciences & Energy:
      Environmental Impact Assessment, Suitability Analysis, Ecological Inventory, Pollution studies, and Non-Conventional Energy Applications.

    • Transport Planning & Economics:
      Transport Plans, Facility Planning & Design, TSM Plans, Transport Economic Studies.

    • Urban and Rural Development:
      Sectoral Demand Modeling, Multi Level Plans, Urban Renewal, Urban Finance, Strategic & Policy Issues.

  • Members:

    The organization is run by a core team of young professionals, and is supported by a wider group of associates, including senior academicians from institutions such as the National Centre for Disaster Management, School of Planning and Architecture etc.

  • Current Concerns:

    In 1996, SEEDS started its own program - Delhi at Risk , a project aimed at highlighting the vulnerability of the city of Delhi to natural disasters and advise local authorities in possible ways of reducing the vulnerability. More recently, the organization is working on a unique project that involves community perceptions and participation in disaster risk reduction.

    Other ongoing works include projects on `Urban Metropolitan Transport Management' and `Community Participation in Urban Development Management.' SEEDS is involved in a National Environmental Awareness Campaign, and is also taking up a national NGO networking initiative.

  • Contact Address:

    • Seeds
      315, Tower I
      Mount Kailash
      New Delhi 110065, India
      Tel : (91-11) 628-3101, 621-8862
      Fax : (91-11) 622-5293
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