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Urban Water and Sanitation Coverage in
the Asia-Pacific Region, 1994

Access to Safe Drinking Water Access to Sanitation Services
Per cent of population covered 80.9 Per cent of population covered 69.8
Per cent served by: Per cent served by:
House connection 48.4 House connection to sewer/septic system 42.7
Public standpost 24.0 Pour-flush latrine 43.1
Other 27.6 Ventilated improved pit latrine 2.7
Simple pit latrine 8.5
Other 3.0

WHO defines reasonable access to safe drinking water in an urban area as access to piped water or a public standpipe within 200 meters of a dwelling or housing unit. Safe drinking water includes treated surface water and untreated water from protected springs, boreholes, and sanitary wells. Urban areas with access to sanitation services are defined as urban populations served by connections to public sewers or household systems such as latrines, pour-flush latrines, septic tanks, communal toilets, and other such facilities. Definitions of safe water and appropriate access to sanitation and health services vary depending upon location and condition of local resources. Application of these definitions may vary, and comparisons can therefore be misleading.

G. Watters, 1995. Health and Environment, World Health Organization.Geneva.
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