Realizing the growing importance and voice of NGOs in development, the NGO Café was set up
on the internet as a meeting place for NGOs to discuss, debate and disseminate information on
their work, strategies and results.
The objectives of the NGO Cafe are to assist NGOs in enhancing and improving their programmes and activities, to effect a better understanding of NGOs in general; and to enable NGOs to network at local, regional and international levels, horizontally and vertically.
Volunteering is an integral 'mover' of the aims, objectives and visions that drive NGOs. Highlighting this fact with an 'International Year of Volunteers' is a welcome one - to recognise and celebrate the wide variety of skills, knowledge, financial and other resources that volunteers bring to NGO activities.
Out of a commitment to these goals and to the spirit of the International Year of Volunteers, I sign below on
behalf of the NGO Cafe.
Hari Srinivas J a p a n |
The NGO Cafe
25 October 2000 |