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Fast Facts on Wave and Tidal Energy

Wave and Tidal 🌊
Wave energy, derived from the movement of ocean waves, has enormous untapped potential to provide clean electricity. Unlike solar and wind, wave energy is more consistent, making it a promising renewable source for coastal nations. Below are some important facts about wave energy.
  • Wave energy has the potential to generate around 2,000 terawatt-hours (TWh) per year, enough to meet the worldfs electricity demand.
  • The UK, Australia, and the U.S. are among the leading nations in wave energy research and deployment.
  • Scotlandfs European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) is a global testing hub for wave and tidal energy technologies.
  • The first commercial wave power station, Mutriku Wave Power Plant, was established in Spain in 2011.
  • Unlike solar and wind, wave energy is more predictable and consistent, reducing the need for energy storage.
  • The Pelamis Wave Energy Converter, a snake-like device, was one of the first large-scale wave energy projects.
  • The world's largest wave energy project, CETO 6, is being developed off the coast of Australia.
  • Portugal's Agu?adoura Wave Farm was the worldfs first grid-connected wave energy farm.
  • Wave energy devices can be installed near shore or in deep waters, maximizing efficiency.
  • Japan is developing wave energy solutions to increase energy resilience following the 2011 Fukushima disaster.
  • The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that wave energy could supply up to 66% of the countryfs electricity needs.
  • Wave energy systems must withstand extreme weather conditions, which increases maintenance costs.
  • Some wave energy projects integrate desalination technology, producing fresh drinking water alongside electricity.
  • Coastal nations with strong wave activity, such as Norway and Canada, are investing heavily in wave energy.
  • Unlike wind turbines, wave energy devices operate silently, making them environmentally friendly in terms of noise pollution.

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Contact: Hari Srinivas - hsrinivas@gdrc.org