Future Publications Under Preparation

GDRC is in the process of developing and writing the following papers. If any titles attract your attention, please do contact us for further details and possible co-authorship.

Please note that  titles in green  have been published. Latest versions of the papers are available for download from the respective progrqamne pages. However, we are also open to rewriting already published documents with new insights or case studies.

Contact: Hari Srinivas -

    Environmental Decision-Making

      Planned publications:

    • A-004 Walk the Talk, and Talk the Walk
    • A-020 The Dangers of Mainstreaming: When its Everybody's Business, its Nobody's Business
    • A-032 Social Capital and Trust
    • A-040 Multi-Stakeholder Analysis
    • B-012. User Needs Assessment: Analyzing the What, How, Why and More
    • B-014. Demystifying "Awareness Raising": The Bedrock of Good Decision-Making
    • B-020. An EDM Lexicon
    • B-044. The Grandmother Metaphor: Implications for Environmental Decision Making Processes
    • C-015. Strengthening Decision Making for Sustainable Development
    • C-023. Leadership, Learning and Innovation for Environmental Management

      Completed publications:

    • C-068: One-Pager: Dressing up Nature to Restore Our Ecosystems
    • E-201. Evaluating Programme Performance: The Lack-Gap-Mismatch Tool
    • E-188. Environmental Decision-makng Criteria for Technology Selection
    • E-147. Community Groups and Planning Action: The Need for Citizen's Participation in Decision Making
    • E-133. Intrapolation and Extrapolation: The dilemma of Global Policy-Making
    • E-107. The Sustainable Development Goals: Environmental Policy Patterns for Local Action
    • E-001. Introduction: Environmental Decision-Making
    • E-002. Information for Decision-making
    • E-003. The Decision-Making Pyramid
    • E-004. Skills for Environmental Decision Making
    • E-005. To do or Not to do: Facilitating Decision-Making for Sustainable Building and Construction
    • E-006. GDRC and Environmental Decision-Making

    Sustainable Development

      Planned publications:

    • A-027 Universities Bridging Across: Innovative Business Incubation Activities (1/4)
    • A-028. Universities Reaching Out: Going Beyond the Classroom (2/4)
    • A-029. Universities Going Green: Role of Universities in Promoting Sustainable Development (3/4)
    • A-001. Universities Creating opportunities: So did your University degree pay for your lunch today? (4/4)
    • A-048. Seniors and the Environment: Implications for Sustainability
    • A-091. Social Capital: Development Benefits and Externalities
    • B-010. Thinking with your mouth open: Food as a metaphor for sustainable development
    • C-007. Sustainable Development and Local Communities: Starting Points in the 1992 Earth Summit's Agenda 21
    • C-010. Sustainable Communities and Social Capital: Intersections of Innovation at the Local Level
    • C-022. Making Cities Creative: Creating Innovative Communities

      Completed publications:

    • E-134. Environmental Education and Universities in Japan: ISO14001 and EMS as a Catalyzing Force
    • E-121. Outside Looking in: External Stakeholders fostering innovative communities
    • E-007. The Seven Triads of Sustainability
    • E-008. Sustainable Development Concepts
    • E-009. Innovative Communities* Think Local, Act Local

    Oceans, Coasts and Small Islands

      Planned publications:

    • A-055. Ishigaki, Japan: Community-based Mangroves Management
    • B-040. The Long Arm of Human Lifestyles: How Lifestyles and Consumption Patterns are Changing Coral Reefs Forever

      Completed publications:

    • E-198. Blue Carbon: The Role of Coastal Ecosystems in Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
    • E-183. The Blue Economy: Converging on the Waves
    • E-131. Message in a Bottle: Managing the World's Oceans
    • E-010. The Environmental Primacy of Small Islands: Island Development Policies of Japan
    • E-011. Coastal Area Management: The CAM Continuum
    • E-012. Importance of Community Networking to Preserve Rivers
    • E-013. 10 Things you Need to Know of Small Island Developing States

    Urban Environmental Management

      Planned publications:

    • A-06. Local Governments Going Green: Inspirations from ISO 14001
    • A-08. Intrapolating Global Environmental Change
    • A-010. Lacks, Gaps, Mismatches: A Policy Development Approach to
    • Waste Management
    • A-033. Cities as Multi-National Corporations
    • A-034. The Urban Scrooge: What is Holding back Cities to realize their ull potential?
    • A-041. Multilateral and Regional Blocks: Implications for Local Environmental Management
    • A-042. Local Agenda to Local Action
    • A-045. Sustainability in the Building and Construction Sector
    • A-064. Life After Waste: Extracting Energy from Solid Wastes
    • A-068. Urban DRR: Balancing the Natural, Built and Socio-Economic Environments of a city
    • A-069. Disaster Management and Poverty Alleviation: Dimensions for an Integrated Approach
    • A-071. An Integrated Framework for Urban Environmental Management
    • A-072. E v/s E: Balancing Priorities of Education for Sustainable Development at the local level
    • A-075. Air Pollutants and Their Effects
    • A-076. Cities Going Green
    • A-077. Waste Minimization: Not Creating the Problem in the First Place, rather than trying to solve it later
    • A-088. More than Birds and Trees: Understanding the environment from the Perspective of Cities and Buildings
    • A-092. The CNN Syndrome: Understanding Disasters and the Mass Media
    • A-098. The GDRC Framework for Sustainable Urban Energy Policies
    • B-002. Two Sides of the Same Coin: Resource Efficiency and Energy Efficiency
    • B-003. Going Global: Implications of Waste at the Global level
    • B-004. Contextualizing 3R Strategies: Creating Brand Consensus for 3R Programmes and Plans
    • B-005. Carbon Capture and Storage: The Potential of Bio-Char
    • B-006. Waste Management to Resource Efficiency: Making the Conceptual Leap
    • B-026. Where do they go from here? Strategies for Squatter Settlements
    • B-033. Building Blocks of Risk: DRR and the Built Environment
    • B-035. The EMS Clusters: Local Tools for Local Environmental Management
    • B-046. Disasters and the Private Sector: A Three Pronged Approach
    • B-051. Electronic Waste - Emerging Issues and Trends
    • B-055. Sustainable Sanitation
    • B-066. Green Wheels: A broad-based Approach to Sustainable Transportation
    • B-068. Sustainable Transportation: Discouraging Cars and Encouraging Walking/biking
    • B-076. Demand and Supply Management of Renewable Energy: A Stakeholder Approach
    • C-001. Policy Options for an Integrated Approach to Waste Management
    • C-002. A Policy Framework for Sustainable Urban Transportation
    • C-003. Strategies for Improving Urban Solid Waste Management
    • C-009. Global Processes in Education for Sustainable Development: Lessons from Japan
    • C-013. Auditing Water: Why we Cannot Afford to Waste it Any Longer
    • C-014. GDRC Policy Framework on Water for Cities
    • C-016. City Inspirations: Developing a City-Level Environmental Management System
    • C-017. Under the Sun: Environmentally Sensitive Buildings in the Tropics
    • C-018. Green Cities: If you ask me what it means for urban lifestyles ...
    • C-019. The Concept of Green Transport: implications for Energy for Cities
    • D-011. City Visioning in Japan: Exploring Six Cities and Prefectures
    • D-013. Informatization of the City: Impact on Urban Management
    • D-014. Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Waste Management in Japan
    • D-015. Review of Online Information on Cities: Implications for Urban Planning and Community Participation
    • D-016. Networking and Partnerships: Potentials for Local Governments

      Completed publications:

    • E-199. The Ecological Footprint of Cities: Innovations For Greater Sustainability
    • E-149. Cities as Brands: Osaka City in Japan Reinvents itself
    • E-191. Environmentally Sensitive Buildings in the Tropics: Design Ideas for Passive Cooling
    • E-172. Cities and Desertification: The Long Arm of Urban Areas.
    • E-166. Urban EMS in Japan: The ISO 14001 Initiatives of Public Authorities in Japan
    • E-145. Urban Planning and Development: A Japanese Flavour
    • E-162. Rethinking Port Areas: Minato Mirai 21 in Yokohama, Japan
    • E-143. Cities as Sustainable Ecosystems: Issues for Urban Environmental Management
    • E-036. Defining Squatter Settlements
    • E-150. Field Observation: Squatter Settlements
    • E-151. Urban Development and urban poverty
    • E-152. Urban Slums: The Sites and Services Approach
    • E-153. Homelessness - an Issue
    • E-154. Understanding Urban Squatter Settlement Development Processes: Some observations from Bengaluru, India
    • E-139. Environmental Vulnerability and Disaster Risk Reduction
    • E-130. Information and Urban Environments
    • E-118. Pre- and Post-Disaster Management: Environmental Management Tools to Reduce Disaster Risks
    • E-126. Cities are Not Cities: Importance of Developing Urban Environmental Management Systems
    • E-125. Cities and Urban Vulnerability in the Context of Urban Environmental Management
    • E-116. A Framework for Compiling Baseline Data to Develop a Tyre Reuse and Recycling System
    • E-111. Networking for Urban Environments
    • E-014. Multilateral Environment Agreements (MEAs) and the Urban Arena: Implications for Global Environmental Processes
    • E-015. Cities,EMS and Everything: Putting up a green front
    • E-016. Introduction to Networking among Cities
    • E-017. TRIALOGUE: Climate Change, Biodiversity and Desertification
    • E-018. Environment and Disasters: Risk Reduction, focusing on pre-disaster prevention and mitigation
    • E-019. Disaster Management: A Role for the Private Sector
    • E-020. Idea Bank: Japanese Disaster Mitigation and Preparedness
    • E-021. Introduction to Environment and Disasters
    • E-022. Cyclical Interlinkages of disasters and the Environment
    • E-023. The Indian Ocean Tsunami and its Environmental Impacts
    • E-024. A sample of the cyclical interrelationships of disasters and the environment
    • E-025. The Precautionary Principle and CBDM
    • E-026. An Overview of Tools for Integrating Environment Management and Disaster Risk Reduction
    • E-027. Environmental Education: Creating an environment to educate about the environment
    • E-028. Back to the Drawing Board: A Sustainability Toolbox for Green Construction
    • E-029. What is a green or sustainable building?
    • E-030. Introduction to Green Construction
    • E-031. Architecture and Green Construction
    • E-032. Greenhouse Gas Mitigation for Energy Efficiency
    • E-033. Looking at the Big Picture: Life Cycle Thinking for the Building and Construction Sector
    • E--34. Greener Construction: Everyone has a role to play
    • E-035. A Decision Support Tool for Sustainable Building and Construction: The GET Matrix
    • E-036. Defining Squatter Settlements
    • E-037. Waste Management Fact Sheet
    • E-038. Solid Waste Management Framework
    • E-039. Waste Management and Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs)
    • E-040. An Urban Waste Management Continuum: From Disposal to Minimization
    • E-041. Multistakeholder Initiatives in Waste Management: Examples from Japan
    • E-042. Intrapolating Global Agreements on Water: A Policy Matrix for Demand Management
    • E-043. An Integrated Urban Water Strategy
    • E-044. Thinking Beyond the Water Can: From Consumption to Conservation
    • E-026. Understanding the 3R Concept
    • E-093. The 3R Concept and Waste Minimization
    • E-094. Prerequisites and Barriers to Implementing 3R Policies
    • E-095. Components of a Sound 3R Policy
    • E-096. Directions for a 3R Future
    • E-097. Moving towards a Circular Economy: More than Just 3Rs!
    • E-098. Material Efficiency and 3R Objectives
    • E-099: Inspiring Ideas from Japan's 3R Initiative
    • E-104. Little Bits of EMS Make and ISO14001
    • E-105. Sustainability Dimensions of Transport Systems

    Urban Governance

      Planned publications:

    • A-003. Three Most Important Things: Coordination, Coordination, and Coordination
    • A-005. Good Trust is Good Governance
    • A-037. Governance in the Context of Peace and Security: Using Cities as a Staging Ground
    • A-073. The Six Corners of Good Governance
    • A-097. Diversity: An Ignored/Missing and Sidelined Attribute of Governance
    • B-007. Love Thy Neighbour: Broadening the Scope of Stakeholder Analysis
    • B-013. Turning Corruption on its Head: A Carrot-and-Stick approach
    • B-049. Keeping Transparency Transparent: The Whys and Hows
    • B-060. Getting the Mayor Re-Elected: Importance of Building Political Will at the Local Level
    • C-020. Fostering Leadership for Urban Management:

      Completed publications:

    • E-122. Smart Cities for Sustainable Development: A Policy Framework for Developing Countries
    • E-204. Smart Cities Lexicon
    • E-206. Local Government Policies towards Smart Cities in the Asia Pacific Region
    • C-024. Definitions of a 15-minute City: Laying Out the Boundaries
    • C032. 15-minutes of ... : Walkable and Bikeable Cities
    • C-038. 15-minute City - Related Concepts: Inspirations for the Idea
    • C-043. The 15-minute City: Organic and Planned Processes of Development
    • C-035. 15-minutes of everything: Lessons from Kobe, Japan
    • C-036. Understanding Urban Rewilding: Some Definitions
    • C-040. Goals of Urban Rewilding: Getting it right
    • C033. Urban Rewilding: Steps to Implement Urban Rewilding Projects
    • C-030. Urban Rewilding and Reducing Climate Risks: Back to Basics
    • C-025. Urban Rewilding: Examples of Cities Implementing Rewilding
    • C-041. Urban Rewilding in Developing Cities: The Multiplier Effects
    • C-042. E-Governance: Urban Management through Technology
    • C-039. Four Kinds of E-Governance: A Stakeholder Analysis
    • C-034. Governments Going Digital: Examples of E-Governance
    • E-202. Participatory Governance: Better Cities, Better Livability
    • E-045. Urban Governance - Need of the Day
    • E-046. Conflict Resolution in the Family: Observations from a Simulation Game

    • Urban Heritage and Conservation

        Planned publications:

      • A-002. Antique Markets: An Essential Ingredient of Heritage-rich Cities
      • A-046. New Wine in Old Bottles: Contemporary Manifestations and Uses for Old Buildings
      • A-082. Pride of Place: Implications of the Concept for Heritage Conservation
      • B-011. Localizing Heritage Conservation: Ensuring Community Involvement and Committment
      • B-015. Yes, But E: Addressing Dilemmas of Heritage Development for Local Governments
      • B-021. Step-by-Step: Bridging Heritage to the fore in Urban Development
      • B-022. The Scrooges of Heritage Development: Starting Points for Action
      • B-023. Ring-Fencing Heritage Conservation: Prioritizing the Governance Dimensions
      • B-024. Procrastinating Conservation: The Challenges of Heritage Conservation for local Governments
      • B-025. The Sustainability Dimensions of Urban Heritage
      • B-037. Old Stones and Flaking Paint: Adding Value to Heritage Assets
      • C-006. The Historical District of of Kurashiki, Japan: Making Heritage Conservation Work
      • C-008. Heritage Conservation Strategies: Policy Guidelines for Local Governments
      • C-021. Impact of Development Projects on the Local Heritage: Criteria for Assessment

        Completed publications:

      • E-209. Urban Heritage Strategies of Japan: Lessons for Countries in the Asia Pacific Region.
      • E-200. Traditional Knowledge and Climate Change: An initial exploration
      • E-184. Cultural Diplomacy: Heritage Conservation and the Festivals of Ogaki, Japan
      • E-164. Conservation and Preservation in Planning Processes: Historical Districts of Kyoto, Japan
      • E-106. Heritage Conservation: Developing a Heritage Conservation Strategy
      • E-047. Prioritizing Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region
      • E-048. Mediation for Urban Conservation: The Case of Imai-cho, Japan
      • E-049. Towards Developing a Plan of Action for Heritage Conservation
      • E-050. Heritage Listings: The Beginnings of a Heritage Conservation Strategy
      • E-051. Financing for Urban Heritage and Conservation
      • E-100. Heritage and Conservation Strategies: Understanding the Justifications and Implications

      NGOs and Civil Society

        Planned publications:

      • A-017. Constituencies and Priorities in NGO Management
      • A-025. NGO Fund-Raising Strategies: Beating the Drum
      • A-026. NGO Fund-Raising Strategies: Three Sides of the Coin
      • A-043. Three Most Frequently Asked Questions at the NGO CafE
      • A-047. NGO Networking Support Centers
      • A-095. NGO Fund Raising Strategies: Fund raising is not just about asking for money
      • B-027. The "Profit" in Non-Profit Organizations
      • B-036. Three Dimensions of NGO Interventions
      • B-065. Learning from the Private Sector: BCP for NGOs
      • D-003. Sustainable Partnerships for the Habitat Agenda: New Roles for Professional NGOs

        Completed publications:

      • E-140. Building Professionalism in NGOs/NPOs: Key Issues for Capacity Building
      • E-123: Registering an NGO: A Quick Guide
      • E-052. Starting a Non-Governmental Organization
      • E-053. Fund Raising Realities and Strategies: Lessons Learnt at the NGO CafE
      • E-054. The Concept of Accountability: Implications for NGOs
      • E-055. An Introduction to NGO Credibility and Legitimacy
      • E-103 The NGO Funding Mix: A Continuum of Sources

      Gender and Development

        Planned publications:

      • A-090. Gendered Aspects of Disaster Risk Reduction
      • E-196: Gender Inclusive Policy Making

        Completed publications:

      • E-196. Gender Inclusive Policy Making
      • E-124. Gender and E-Waste: Policy Guidelines for Developing Countries
      • E-056. The GDRC Framework on Gender and Development
      • E-057. Online Technology and Networking: Some Gender Perspectives
      • E-058. Towards a Gender Analysis Framework for the adoption and use of Environmentally Sound Technologies
      • C-056. Gender Inclusive Development: An Exploration of Gender Analysis Frameworks and Policy Implications


        Planned publications:

      • B-028. Microfinance: Looking Back to the Future
      • D-001. MicroODA and Microcredit: New Directions for Japan's ODA
      • D-002. Networks and Networking: Implications for Microfinance Programmes
      • D-007. 14 Reasons why the Informal Credit Markets have to be supported
      • D-008. The Environmental Colours of Microcredit
      • D-012. Microfinance: Some Gender Perspectives

        Completed publications:

      • E-192. Channeling Microfinance for the SDGs: Small solutions to Big Problems
      • E-137. Microcredit in Developing Countries: The Facilitative Roles of NGOs
      • E-059. Microcredit Lending Models
      • E-060. A Continuum of Informality of Credit
      • E-061. A Typology of Informal Credit Suppliers
      • E-062. IdeaCards: Inspiring Ideas in Microfinance
      • E-063. The Environmental Colours of Microfinance: Theory and Practice
      • E-064. The Microfinance Framework for Policy and Practice
      • E-065. People's Centered Credit Systems in Developing Countries: The Need for Regional Networks
      • E-066. Identification of Informal Credit Suppliers
      • E-101. Microfinance and Tsunami Recovery: Contextualizing Microfinance within the recovery efforts after the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami
      • E-102. Borrower Evaluation in the Informal Credit Markets
      • E-103. 14 Reasons why the Informal Credit Market is used by the Poor: Policy Implications for Microcredit Programmes in Developing Countries

      Informal Sector

        Planned publications:

      • A-014. Outside Looking in: Building a Supportive Environment for the Informal Sector
      • A-015. Evolving the Informal Sector into SMEs (Without Losing the Inherent "Advantages" of Informality)
      • A-016. More than Just "C"s: Financing for the Informal Sector
      • A-079. Informality and the Informal Sector: Its Interlinkages with the Formal Sector
      • B-016. Will the Real "Informal Sector" Please Stand Up? 10 Myths about the Informal Sector
      • B-047. Why is the Informal Sector Informal? Three Stages to Support Informal Enterprises
      • B-062. Head in the Sand: Why Governments don't Talk About the Informal Sector
      • B-075. Ease-of-doing-business: Will SME Strategies Work for the Informal Sector?
      • E-109. Busting 10 Myths about the Informal Sector

        Completed publications:

      • Enhancing Support for the Informal Sector: International Conventions and Local Policy Innovations
      • E-117. Sustainable Development Goal #8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
      • E-115. Four Corners of Policies for the Informal Sector
      • E-108. "Formalizing" the Informal Sector: Lessons from Penang, Bandung and Bangkok
      • E-067. "Yes, but ... " - Local Government Attitudes towards the Informal Sector
      • E-068. The Informal Sector and some Development Paradigms
      • E-069. Parallels between the Lewis Model and the Informal Sector
      • E-070. Labour Market Issues in the Urban Informal Sector
      • C-046. Exploring the Informal Sector: Five Key Inquiries and Insights
      • C-047. Empowering the Informal Economy: Strategies for Integration and Growth

      Technology Transfer

        Planned publications:

      • A-024. The Lifecycle of a Technology: Resource Management and Efficiency
      • A-038. Community Dimensions of ESTs in Developing Countries
      • A-039. SMEs and ESTs: Community Angle to Technology Adoption
      • A-058. Technology Management: Business Opportunities and Support Systems for SMEs
      • A-065. Technology Matching: Overcoming the Lacks, Gaps, and Mismatches
      • A-078. Business Matching and Technology Transfers: Creating a Facilitative Stakeholder Constellation
      • B-019. Environment as a Business Opportunity: Contextualizing and Strategizing Environmental Technology
      • B-039. Ring-Fencing Technology Decisions
      • B-043. Gandhian Technologies: A Different Look at the Sustainability Dimensions of Technologies
      • B-061. Building Capacities for Technology Innovation
      • B-063. Facilitating Technology Ecosystems: A Multi-Stakeholder Approach
      • B-064. Technology Adoption and Use: Policy Directions for Cities
      • B-069. Technology Priorities to Promote Eco-Businesses
      • B-073. Technology for Sustainable Development: Four Approaches to Environmentally Sound Technologies
      • D-009. Environmental technology transfer: Creating the essential online Framework

        Completed publications:

      • E-071. Introduction - Technology and Environment
      • E-197. A Disaster Technology Continuum: Technology Ecosystems for Disaster Risk Reduction
      • E-132. Technologies for the SDGs: Focus on Environmentally Sound Technologies (ESTs)
      • E-132. Technology Ecosystems and the SDGs
      • E-072. Creating an Environment for Environmental Technology
      • E-073. Technology Transfer for Sustainable Development
      • E-074. Bilateral Technology Transfer using the Internet

      Sustainable Businesses

        Planned publications:

      • A-044. Disaster Management and Options for the Private Sector
      • A-057. The Carrot and Stick Approach to Environmental Opportunities
      • B-001. Moving towards sustainability: Carrots and Sticks for SMEs
      • B-009. Ecotowns: Moving towards environmentally sound industrial development
      • B-031. Sustainability and SMEs: TBL as a matter of course
      • B-032. Carrots and Sticks: Making Business more Sustainable
      • B-038. SMEs and Environmental Technologies: Common Grounds for Action
      • B-045. A Policy Framework for Environmental Problems faced by the Private Sector
      • B-056. B2B Matching for Sustainability: Role of Local Governments Internet and ICTs
      • B-059. Climbing the Environmental Bandwagon: The REAL Justifications for business
      • B-048. Policies for Ecotowns and Eco-Industrial Parks: An Implementation Toolbox
      • B-070. Factors Affecting the Mainstreaming of Eco-Products: Policy Frameworks for Local Governments
      • B-071. Supporting the Efforts of SMEs Greening: A Multistakeholder Approach
      • B-072. Eco-Businesses Promotion Centers: Activities by Local Governments in Japan
      • B-074. More than just a Green "Thing": Expanding the Boundaries of Eco-Products
      • C-011. Attracting Eco-Businesses: Policy Options for Local Governments
      • D-006. Amenity Migration or Why-do-such-highly-qualified-professionals-come-to-a-small-town-like-Manipal

        Completed publications:

      • C-053: Japan as a "Repeater" Economy: Implications for Sustainability
      • E-195. Sustainable Development Goal #9: Implications and Actions for Business Sustainability
      • E-194. Promotion of Waste Exchange Systems: Five Models from Bandung, Indonesia
      • E-138. Environmentally-Sensitive Industrial Development: Policy Lessons Learnt from Ecotowns in Japan
      • E-131. A Quick Introduction to Circular Economies
      • E-119. Sustainable Business: Sustainability is Good Business!
      • E-075. Green Business Practices in Japan: Lessons for Countries Greening their Business Sector
      • E-076. The Role of Local Governments in Fostering Business Partnerships for Environmental Sustainability
      • E-077. Sustainable Business Concepts: Going Green
      • E-078. Sustainable and Eco Products and Services: A Database of Databases

      ICTs for Development

        Planned publications:

      • B-034. Community Development and Community Radio/TV services: Strengthening the Intersections
      • D-004. The Indian Telecom Sector: Implications for Australian Aid Strategies
      • D-010. Use of the Internet for Community Participation in Urban Management: View from Japan

        Completed publications:

      • E-178. Telecenters: Bringing the comunity together
      • E-165. ICTs for Development:Understanding the Potentials and Pitfalls
      • E-080. Packaging Knowledge: An Information Continuum
      • E-079. Use of Internet for Citizen's Participation
      • E-122. Smart Cities for Sustainable Development: A Policy Framework for Developing Countries
      • GDRC'S flagship magazine: Smart Cities curated on Flipboard

      Knowledge Management

        Planned publications:

      • A-011. Armchair Expertise: Staying on the Learning Curve with Online Information
      • A-012. Three Ingredients of the Learning Curve
      • A-018. The Three Musketeers: or why Localization, Contextualization and Customization is Critical to Construct Knowledge
      • A-019. Evolving Knowledge Management Strategies at GDRC
      • A-049. Knowledge Management: The Art of Asking Questions
      • A-051. Little Bits of Bytes Make Mighty Knowledge
      • A-053. "Incomplete" Knowledge
      • A-083. Web2.0 and Info Clusters: New Tools, New Skills and New Perspectives
      • B-050. Mass Communication: What is Web2.0 doing to us?
      • B-053. Floating in the Cloud: The Blog-of-a-Blog-of-a-Blog Syndrome
      • B-057. Information Literacy
      • D-005. Online Classrooms: Directions for the Future

        Completed publications:

      • E-112. Learning Ideas: Lessons learnt when developing GDRC's content
      • E-081. What is knowledge management? Some definitions
      • E-082. Accessing Information is not Acquiring Knowledge
      • E-083. User Analysis for Knowledge Management
      • E-084. Global Convergence and Local Divergence: Implications of Online Information Explosion

      Information Design

        Planned publications:

      • A-013. Looking at Both Ends of the Telescope
      • A-054. Online Information: More and More of Less and Less
      • A-074. The Micro-Immediacy of Information
      • A-096. Knowledge Skills for the Internet Age: Smaller, Lesser, Quicker
      • B-017. Stubborn Potholes: Things we are Still Doing Wrong about Information Dissemination
      • B-041. Poetry in Miniature: Tweeting as a Skill in Information Design
      • C-005. Planning an Information Campaign: A Step-by-Step Guide

        Completed publications:

      • E-085. What is Information Design? Some Definitions
      • E-086. Packaging Knowledge: An Information Continuum
      • E-087. Leadership in the Information Age
      • E-088. Info-Ideas: Presenting Information
      • E-089. Jack of all Trades, and Master of Quite-a-Few
      • E-090. The Information Design Cycle: Making the 'A-ha!' Happen
      • E-091. Message in a bottle: Graphic Communications
      • E-092. Info Design: Lessons Learnt at the GDRC!

  GDRC's 15 research programmes have produced a number of publications. See the Publications list for details

  Within its 15 research programmes, GDRC is exploring a number of interrelated themes. See GDRC Research Themes: A-Z

  If you would like to cite or use any of the documents listed here, please see GDRC's copyright policy. Also publications listed here are closely related to GDRC's Capacity Building Policy

  If you would like to contribute to any of the future publications listed here or suggest an idea for a new one, please contact GDRC&s coordinator,

  Search the GDRC Website: