Microfinance and Disasters
Understanding the linkages between
microfinance and disaster management
Documents & Reports
Inspiring Ideas
Women's Access to Credit
Microfinance Governance
Capacity Building
Financing Enterprises
Microfinance & Disasters
Microfinance and Disasters
Policies and Strategies
Surviving Disasters and Supporting Recovery: A Guidebook for Microfinance Institutions A UNCDF/World Bank Publication
Miamidian E., Arnold M., Burritt K., & Jacquand M.
Loan Rescheduling After a Natural Disaster - How can microfinance organisations accommodate for their clients’ inability to repay following a natural disaster?
MFI Liquidity Problems After a Natural Disaster - How can microfinance organizations address post-disaster liquidity problems?
Microfinance Donors: Preparing for Natural Disaster - What are the roles and responsibilities of donors in risk-proofing the microfinance industry against large-scale natural disasters?
New Loans After a Natural Disaster - What financial products can be extended to clients in a post disaster situation?
Pre-Disaster Planning to Protect Microfinance Clients - What could microfinance institutions do to be more prepared for natural disasters?
Non-Financial Emergency Services to MFI Clients - Why, when, and how can MFIs engage in relief activities without downgrading their credibility as financial institutions?
Pre-Disaster Planning to Protect Microfinance Institutions - How can MFIs prepare and protect themselves?
Using Compulsory Savings for Natural Disaster Response - Issues for a more flexible approach from MFOs to deal with natural disasters
Can Microfinance Meet the Poor's Financial Needs in Times of Natural Disaster?
Rapid-Onset Natural Disasters Technical Briefs Main Summary
Sustaining Microfinance in Post-Disaster Asia
Case Studies
Microfinance and Tsunami recovery
Hari Srinivas
Bangladeshi Experience in Adapting Financial Services to Cope with Floods: Implications for the Microfinance Industry
Disaster Management for Microfinance Institutions in Mozambique: Reflecting on Lessons Learnt for Future Directions
Lessons Learnt
Microfinance and Disaster Risk Management: Experiences and Lessons Learned An initial assessment of MFIs, the poor, and natural disasters
Enrique Pantoja
Microfinance in the Wake of Natural Disasters: Challenges and Opportunities
Disaster Loan Funds for Microfinance Institutions: A Look at Emerging Experience
Online Resources
Asian Development Bank
MBP: Rapid-Onset Natural Disasters Technical Briefs
Microfinance in Times of Natural Disasters
ProVention Consortium
QUICK Centre - Knowledge Sharing Platorm on Microfinance in Post-Disaster Situations
SEEP Network
The Foundation for Development Cooperation
UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
UNDP Disaster Reduction Unit
WBG - Tsunami Recovery Web Site
Microfinance and Conflicts
Policies and Strategies
Microfinance Following Conflict: Introduction to Technical Briefs
Environmental Preconditions for Successful Post-Conflict Microfinance
Security Issues for Microfinance Following Conflict
Case Studies
Developing a Post-Conflict Microfinance Industry: The Case of Cambodia
Microfinance Following Conflict - Technical Briefs Main Summary
Rural Finance in Conflict Environments - Experiences from Nepal's Small-Farmer Cooperatives Limited (SFCL)
Lessons Learnt
Livelihoods and Micro-finance in Refugee Camps
Simona Cavaglieri
Microfinance for Special Groups: Refugees, Demobilized Soldiers, and Other Populations
Microfinance in the Wake of Conflict: Challenges and Opportunities
Searching for Differences: Microfinance Following Conflict vs. Other Environments
Developing Post-Conflict Microfinance Institutions: The Experiences of Liberia and Kosovo - Microfinance institutions operating in a post-conflict environment
Microfinance Research in Conflict Environments: State of the Art and the Road Forward
Online Resources
Post Conflict Microfinance Project
UNEP Post-Conflict Assessment Unit
CERTI: Complex Emergency Response and Transition Initiative
Conflict Prevention and Post-Conflict Reconstruction Network
UNESCO: Post-Conflict Mediation
Hari Srinivas -
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