MicroStart: A Guide for Planning, Starting and Managing a Microfinance Programme.

T _ O_ O _ L___ K_ I _ T
PERSONAL INFORMATION ______________________________
Name of Applicant ______________________________
Home Address ______________________________
Business Location ______________________________
National I.D. Number ______________________________
Age ______________________________
Gender ______________________________
Highest Level of Education Reached ______________________________
ECONOMIC ACTIVITY OF THE BORROWER ______________________________
What is your main income activity? ______________________________
How long have you been doing it? ______________________________
How many months a year? ______________________________
How many hours per day/week
do you do this activity?
Where do you do this activity? ______________________________
Describe your products or services. ______________________________
What are your sales on a good day? ______________________________
..on a slow day? ______________________________
..on a regular day? ______________________________
What is your average monthly
income from this activity?
Do you pay anyone outside your
household to help you? How
many and how much do you
pay them?
What are your average monthly
expenses (materials)?
What plans do you have for your
activity in the future?
ECONOMIC ACTIVITY OF THE HOUSEHOLD ______________________________
How many people are there in
your household?
Do your family members help? ______________________________
In your household, what are the
different activities conducted by
all members? Please stipulate
frequency and estimated income.
CREDIT ______________________________
How will you use your loan? ______________________________
How much do you want to
What is the loan term? ______________________________
From what other sources have
you borrowed money?
How many times have you
borrowed before from this project?
Were your payments on time or sometimes late? ______________________________
Did you experience difficulties in
paying back your loan? If yes, why?
ASSETS/SAVINGS ______________________________
How much do you have in savings
(cash and in-kind)?
Where are the savings located? ______________________________
Do you own land? How much?
Is it arable?
What equipment used for your
economic activity do you own?
APPROVAL ______________________________
The Field Agent must read aloud the loan guarantee to each member of the Credit Group. We, by signing below, agree that we are responsible for the payment of any and all principal and interest owed by this applicant to [Organization name]. If the borrower cannot or will not repay a loan, we agree to make the payments and understand that we are not eligible for any new loans until all outstanding debts of the borrower to [Organization name] are paid in full.
signed: signed:
signed: signed:
signed: signed:
Field Agent verifies information is accurate signed:
SUMMARY ______________________________
Loan Amount ______________________________
Loan Term ______________________________
Interest Rate Per Month ______________________________
Loan Payment ______________________________
Frequency ______________________________