MicroStart: A Guide for Planning, Starting and Managing a Microfinance Programme.

T _ O_ O _ L___ K_ I _ T

NAME: _____________________________
Economic Activity: _____________________________
Assets _____________________________
Land Ownership: _____________________________
Business Equipment: _____________________________
Does the household own a means of transportation? _____________________________
Household Data _____________________________
Number of rooms: _____________________________
Condition of roof: _____________________________
Condition of floor: _____________________________
Is there electricity in the area?
In the house?
Does the household have access to a clean source of water? _____________________________
Is there a school in the area and do the children of the household attend? _____________________________
Market information _____________________________
Does the household have access to markets? _____________________________
Does the household have access to raw materials? _____________________________
Other Concerns/Comments _____________________________