Media - Developing a Media Resource Inventory

1. What is a media resource inventory?

A media resource inventory is a comprehensive list of all newspaper, radio stations, TV channels and contact persons appropriate to the community target audience.

2. Why is it important to develop one?

You do not want to miss important opportunities in channels of communication because you are not aware that they exist.

You do want to develop a permanent record of the right people to contact, since coalition membership is fluid and personal contacts cannot always be relied upon.

3. How do I develop a media resource inventory?

First see if one already exists. Ask the Chamber of Commerce, a United Way Chapter, local government agency, or other similar organization if they have an inventory you could use or would be interested in collaborating on the project.

Look for sources for names of newspapers, and broadcasting agencies in the following places:

- yellow pages
- chamber of commerce
- local TV guide
- news-stands

Create a "profile sheet" for each media source to record addresses, phone and fax numbers, names of important contacts, deadlines, opportunities, etc.

Phone or write the public service director or community director (TV and radio), managing editor (newspaper) to fill in the missing information.

Adapted from Building a Media Resource Inventory in the How to Guides on Community Health Promotion
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