- Environmental degradation is driven by market and policy
While trade itself may be associated with
environmental problems, such as pollution arising through
the transportation of goods, most problems occur during
production, consumption, and/or the disposal of waste
products. Appropriate regulations and taxes can ensure that
environmental impacts are accounted for by producers and
consumers - the "Polluter Pays Principle". However,
governments may not only omit to correct market failures,
they may also aggravate the problems through subsidies.
- Trade would unambiguously raise welfare if proper
environmental policies were in place.
Without adequate
environmental policies, trade can prejudice environmental
quality. For example, demand from the world market may
encourage unsustainable logging when no proper
management scheme is in place. In other instances, trade
liberalization may mitigate the underlying distortions. For
example, a reduction in fishing subsidies, amounting to
some $54 billion annually, would reduce overcapitalisation in
the industry and lessen overfishing.
- Trade barriers are poor environmental policies.
Environmental problems are best addressed at source,
whether they involve polluting production processes or
undefined property rights over natural resources. Targeting
indirect linkages, such as exports or imports of goods, can
only partially correct market and policy failures, and at a
higher price to society. At the same time, governments have
found trade measures a useful mechanism for encouraging
participation in and enforcement of multilateral environmental
agreements in some instances, and for attempting to modify
the behaviour of foreign governments in others. However, the
use of trade measures in this way is fraught with risks for the
multilateral trading system, unless accompanied with rules
agreed by all parties.
- Environmental standards should not necessarily be
This conclusion refers only to local pollution
problems that are arguably best addressed by standards
targeted to the specificities of the local conditions. Neither
poor nor rich communities (countries) are well served by
setting standards at the average. The case is different for
transboundary and global problems where policy
harmonization and collective management of common
resources is perhaps the only effective policy option.
- The environmental repercussions of trade are theoretically
and depend on three interacting factors: (i)
trade-induced changes in industrial composition, and hence
the pollution intensity of national output, (ii) changes in the
overall scale of economic activity, and (iii) changes in
production technology. The net outcome is a priori
undetermined. Sweeping generalisations about the linkages
between trade and environment, whether positive or negative
generalisations, must therefore be rejected.
- The gains from trade are sufficient to pay for additional
abatement costs.
The income gain associated with trade
could in principle pay for the necessary abatement costs and
still leave an economic surplus. This has been shown in
various economic simulations. In other words, by combining
trade and environmental reforms one can find ways to raise
income and consumption without compromising the natural
environment. At least in this sense, there is no inherent
conflict between trade and environment. Rather, the conflict
arises as a result of the failure of political institutions to
address environmental problems, especially those of a
global nature which require a concerted effort to solve.
- The competitiveness effects of environmental regulations
are minor.
The direct cost of pollution control in the OECD is
minor, just a few percentage points of production costs for
most industries. No corresponding estimates are available
for developing countries, but unless the regulatory cost is
zero, the cost savings of moving offshore are less than
suggested above. Moreover, some observers have noted that
these numbers are in any event exaggerated. The "Porter
hypothesis" holds that regulatory pressure, just like
competitive pressure, encourages industrial innovations that
make production both leaner (less energy and resource
demanding) and cleaner at the same time, thereby offsetting
the direct compliance costs. The empirical evidence partly
supports this hypothesis, although it would be wrong to
conclude that environmental regulations do not cost anything.
They do cost, but they also bring significant benefit to society
and the quality of life.
- Environmental leaders are not less profitable.
Studies that
have compared the profitability of firms in the same industry
have not found much evidence that environmental leaders
pay a price in terms of reduced profitability. For several
reasons, environmental leaders can often recoup costs in the
marketplace. Firstly, a growing number of consumers are
willing to pay a premium for "green labels." Secondly, firms
that accord with the environmental management standards
promulgated by the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO 14000) seem to enjoy certain
competitive advantages, including lower liability insurance,
less regulatory oversight, and increased access to
customers (including the public sector) that care about their
own environmental reputation.
- Polluting industries are not migrating from developed to
developing countries to reduce environmental compliance
costs, although there are of course exceptions.
While it is
certainly true that developing countries are net recipients of
foreign direct investment, the composition of investments
they receive is not biased towards polluting industries, but
rather to labour-intensive industries that are less polluting on
average. What the data tell us is that, to the extent developed
countries are exporting their dirty industries, they are
exporting them to each other, not to less developed
economies. This suggests that environmental regulations
are at most of secondary importance for international
investment decisions.
- Multinational firms are moving towards a policy of
standardised technologies for all their production plants in
the world.
The reason is simple. It is less costly to duplicate
the home technology than to modify the process in each
country. What is more, the choice of technology is not just
based on current standards, but on what is expected in the
future. It makes commercial sense to install state-of-the-art
technology at the time an investment is made rather than
retrofitting abatement equipment at a later stage at a much
greater expense. Finally, multinationals are becoming more
sensitive to the reputation they earn in the market place, at
least those multinational firms that are based in countries
with an active environmental community. Market forces often
reward good environmental performance rather than cost
savings at any price, including financial markets that react
negatively to environmental mishaps. It has not always been
this way, but the tide has changed in recent years. Much of
this advance is thanks to the relentless efforts of
non-governmental organizations around the world that have
made consumers sensitive to the environmental profile of
products and producers. In short, when consumers care,
producers care.
- Yet, environmental measures are sometimes defeated
because of competitiveness concerns.
Market forces
cannot be entrusted to solve all problems themselves.
Governments must do their part by regulating polluting and
resource degrading activities appropriately. This creates a
difficult political dilemma. If policy makers and voters think
that domestic industry is crumbling under environmental
regulations at the expense of domestic investments and
jobs, it may be difficult to forge the necessary political support
for new regulatory initiatives. And this problem may become
worse still when trade and investment barriers are removed,
since industries then become more mobile and more difficult
to regulate. Indeed, some evidence suggests that industries
often appeal to competitiveness concerns when lobbying
against environmental regulations, and on occasion with
some success.
- How serious is this problem?
It would clearly be a serious
problem if competitiveness concerns prevented
environmental standards from being raised to appropriate
levels, or if governments were compelled to build in
protectionist elements in environmental regulations to
"compensate" industry for alleged adverse competitive
effects. However, competitiveness concerns could potentially
be a positive force if governments that find it difficult to act
individually for political reasons seek cooperative solutions to
environmental problems. The growing number of multilateral
environmental agreements (currently some 216) may be one
indication of the trend in that direction. The lasting effect of
"regulatory chill" may then be more procedural than
substantial. That is, initiative may have to shift from the
national to the supranational level, just as we saw a shift
from the local to the central level in federal states in the
1970s to overcome environmental policy foot-dragging at the
local level. Admittedly, however, international cooperation in
these matters is not easy to achieve unless governments are
convinced of its urgency.
- Is economic growth, driven by trade, part of the problem or
part of the solution?
One reason why environmental
protection is lagging in many countries is low incomes.
Countries that live on the margin may simply not be able to
afford to set aside resources for pollution abatement, nor
may they think that they should sacrifice their growth
prospects to help solve global pollution problems that in
large part have been caused by the consuming life style of
richer countries. If poverty is at the core of the problem,
economic growth will be part of the solution, to the extent that
it allows countries to shift gear from more immediate
concerns to long run sustainability issues. Indeed, at least
some empirical evidence suggests that pollution increases
at the early stages of development but decreases after a
certain income level has been reached, an observation that
has become known in academic circles as the
Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC).
- How does trade enter the growth and environment debate?
Trade enters into this debate for several reasons. The most
direct reason is that trade is one cylinder that propels the
engine of growth. Another reason is that trade may affect the
shape and relevance of the EKC. It is at least conceivable that
the turning point enjoyed by developed countries as far as
certain pollutants are concerned is partly due to migration of
polluting industries to developing countries, although the
evidence does not seem to support this position. A third
reason why trade comes into the picture is the political
economy of environmental policy making. Competitive
pressure may prevent environmental standards from being
upgraded to turn around the pollution path. Growth driven by
liberalization of the world economy may then defeat the
mechanisms that in principle could generate an
environmental Kuznets curve. As observed before, there is
some evidence of a "regulatory chill" which may call for
increased policy coordination among governments.
- Economic growth may be part of the solution, but primarily
for local pollution problems.
The empirical evidence in
support of the EKC hypothesis is mixed. The evidence
suggests that the EKC hypothesis may be valid for some
types of environmental indicators, but equally untrue for other
important indicators. Those indicators that appear to
demonstrate some characteristics of an inverted U-shape
pollution path are certain types of local, primarily urban air
pollution, and to a lesser extent some types of freshwater
pollutants. In contrast, pollutants of a more global nature do
not seem to accord with the EKC hypothesis, notably
emissions of carbon dioxide. In essence, countries seem
more prone to act on pollutants that affect their own backyard
than pollutants that degrade the global environment, although
there are also some encouraging developments in respect of
the latter, such as the reductions in ozone-depleting
substances rendered possible by international cooperation
under the Montreal Protocol.
- Economic growth is not sufficient for turning environmental
degradation around.
It should also be emphasised that
nothing in the EKC literature suggests that environmental
degradation will turn around with increasing income by
compelling necessity. If economic incentives facing
producers and consumers do not change with higher
incomes, pollution will continue to grow unabated with the
growing scale of economic activity. In other words, income
growth, while perhaps a necessary condition for allowing
countries to shift gear from more immediate economic and
social concerns to more long term sustainability issues, is
not sufficient to reverse environmental degradation.
Environmental polices must be brought to bear.
- Accountability and good governance is critical.
importance of a democratic political process cannot be
underestimated in this regard. Governments that are not held
accountable for their actions, or rather inaction in this case,
may fail to deliver the necessary upgrading of environmental
polices. Comparing countries at the same income level,
pollution tends to be worse in countries with skewed income
distribution, a high degree of illiteracy, and few political and
civil liberties. Moreover, these "political access" variables
considerably weaken the relationship between per capita
income and environmental quality. This suggests that the
EKC relationship is not so much dependent on income levels
per se, but rather on institutional and democratic reforms that
tend to go hand in hand with increased income, and which
are necessary for allowing ordinary citizens to articulate their
preferences for environmental quality and influence the
political decision-making process.
- Good governance is also needed at the international level.
One of the disturbing conclusions of the empirical literature is
that the turning points of global environmental problems,
such as global warming driven by CO2 emissions and other
greenhouse gases, are estimated at considerably higher
incomes than more localized problems. One interpretation of
this is that people do not care much about global warming
and climate change. They would rather accept the
consequences (on behalf of their children and their children's
children) than the costs of curbing emissions. Another
possible reason for political foot-dragging is that
governments seek to free ride in the context of weak political
institutions at the international level, including weak
enforcement mechanisms. Indeed, one reason why the WTO
has become the focal point for environmental disputes is that
the WTO has an integrated adjudication mechanism backed
by trade sanctions as the ultimate enforcement tool.
- Environmental degradation will turn around when political
conditions are ripe.
The political obstacles to sound
environmental policy should not be exaggerated. The turning
points that have been estimated for different kinds of
pollutants have a tendency to fall within the income range of
leading countries at the time the specific problems became
an issue of intense public debate. For example, there may be
nothing special about a turning point for CFC emissions at
some $12,000 to $18,000 - it just happened to be the
income range of the leading countries (which have also
assumed the fastest phase-out commitments) at the time the
Montreal Protocol was signed in 1987. And although we find
estimates of a turning point for CO2 emissions of up to
several hundred thousand dollars in per capita income, the
fact that global warming has now risen to the forefront of
public attention may result in a curbing of emissions at an
earlier date. This will require, however, that countries go from
words to actions and honour their commitments under the
Kyoto Agreement. In the end, the environmental Kuznets
curve may not have a "natural" turning point - it will turn
whenever political conditions are ripe for delivering the
necessary policies to address environmental degradation
effectively, including through transfers of resources and
technologies to allow developing countries to modernize
their production.
- Not all kinds of growth are equally benign for the
Economic growth requiring ever more inputs of
natural resources is obviously not as benign for the
environment as economic growth driven by technological
progress that saves inputs and reduces emissions per unit
of output. This kind of growth will not necessarily emerge
spontaneously, but may require economic incentives that
steer development in a sustainable direction.
- Trade could play a positive role.
Trade could play a positive
role in this process by facilitating the diffusion of
environment-friendly technologies around the world. Of
course, this would require that countries are ready to scrap
trade barriers on modern technologies and suppliers of
environmental services to reduce the cost of investing in
clean technologies and environmental management
systems. A new round of trade liberalization negotiations
could make a contribution here. Another potential contribution
of such a round would be to address subsidies that harm the
environment, including energy, agricultural and fishing
subsides. This would yield a double dividend by benefitting
the environment and the world economy at the same time.
- The way forward is multilateral environmental cooperation.
Let us conclude with an observation quoted by Long (1995),
which summarizes the core of the trade and environment
debate. During an OECD meeting of Environment Ministers,
one Minister noted that "his country, along with most others,
had committed itself at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio to the
pursuit of sustainable development. However, whenever he
tries to promote the behavioural and technological changes
necessary to move in that direction, i.e., when he attempts to
internalise the costs of environmental pollution and resource
degradation, he is branded a 'green protectionist' outside his
country, and a destroyer of national competitiveness at
In short, trade is really not the issue, nor is economic growth.
The issue is how to reinvent environmental polices in an ever
more integrated world economy so as to ensure that we live
within ecological limits. The way forward, it would seem to us,
is to strengthen the mechanisms and institutions for
multilateral environmental cooperation, just like countries 50
years ago decided that it was to their benefit to cooperate on
trade matters.