SD Features
Healthy Cities
Healthy Cities and SD
We have WEHAB:
Framework for Action om Health and Environment

One of the key priority areas to emerge from the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD - popularly referred to as the Johannesburg Summit or "Rio+10", which took place in September 2002) is the identification of five areas of priority action, under the acronym 'WEHAB' covering Water, Energy, Health, Agriculture and Biodiversity. These five themes have a profound effect on the way we live, our interaction with the natural world, and indeed the future of mankind itself.

Much needs to be done to create a world that can sustain not just now, but our future generations as well - in remedial measures to undo the errors of the past, in preventive measures to make sure destructive practices are not undertaken, and in management practices that create a policy framework to track and monitor our everyday activities.

Integral to this approach is the theme of healthy envronments - particularly the living environment (urban and rural) that have significant impacts on our overall health and well-being.

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Contact: Hari Srinivas -