Global Development Research Center
SD Research Focus
Healthy Cities

GDRC's Peace Initiative


DRC views the health sector from the perspective of environment and urbanization. Rapid growth of cities have put tremendous pressure on local governments to effectively and securely manage urban and built environments. But the degrading urban environments have consequently also created a number health risks - from waste, water, air, land and building related risks.

Health is a cross-cutting feature that influences much of the work that GDRC carries out. For effective environmental action to take place at the micro and individual level, it is necessary to intrapolate global issues to issues that will affect an individual or household.

Individual and household health is a critical concern that will help bridge global environmental problems to local lifestyles and decisions. For example, how can we look at climate change from the perspective of the individual and household health risks that it poses? This interlinking may help accelerate the action needed for climate change to be mitigated!

Did you know? 7 April is celebrated worldwide as World Health Day.

The world community also celebrates 2021-2030, as the "United Nations Decade of Healthy Ageing"

SDG 11
GDRC supports SDG 3 and 11, which relate to the themes of Healthy Cities - calling for (#3) Good Health and Well-being and (#11) Sustainable Cities and Communities

Explore GDRC's work on food security [Lifestyles] and waste management [Well-being]

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Highlights of GDRC Research

GDRC programme Related Health Issues
Environmental Decision Making
How can environmental decisions be taken so that health concerns can also be simultaneously be addressed? What decision criteria need to be included for this purpose?
Sustainable Development
Sustainability is, after all the common denominator for everything that we do - where does health fit in? How can health programmes contribute to sustainable development?
Oceans, Coasts and Small Islands
With 60-80 percent of humanity living very close to coastal areas, and with the environmental fragility of such ecosystems - the risks that such areas pose to human health in the short and long term need to be monitored and mitigated. Besides, 3.1 billion people rely on fish for 20% of their daily protein intake, with some coastal communities reliant on fish for upwards of 70%.
Urban Environmental Management
The urban setting, and its natural, built and socio-economic environments - is a critical backdrop against which good health policies and strategies are implemented. With an increasing proportion of humanity choosing to live in cities worldwide, this has taken on added significance.
Urban Governance
The way we manage and govern our cities play an important role in defining the quality of life that we can enjoy as urban residents. What is the basic governance context within which health finds its relevance? Regarding governance, who is doing what, where and why? Which attributes of governance systems will help us develop healthy cities?
Non-Governmental Organizations
NGOs are celebrated as the third leg of developmental stakeholders (along with governments and the private sector) who are close to the local communities that they serve. What role can NGOs play in improving the health status of the communities that they serve? How can they provide a voice to the concerns of ordinary citizens? What capacities and resources would they need for this purpose?
Gender and Development
Informal Sector
Ultimately it will be at the level of individuals and the local communities that they belong to, that key health decisions are taken. This is particularly true for women and their health concerns. What are the dimensions of health concerns at the individual level and how do they influence decisions at higher levels of governance? What are the different contexts within which health decisions are taken? What role would microfinance play in the health context, particularly for those who essentially work in the informal economic sector?
Sustainable Business
Business that are environmentally firendly and contribute to sustainable development frequently incoporate healthy premises as one of their operating principles. This includes, for example, worker safety, cleaner working conditions, reduced air/water/land pollution, less emissions and properly managed waste outputs.
ICTs for Development
Knowledge Management
Information Design
Providing well-packaged and timely information, at the right level, to the right target so that appropriate decisions can be taken, is an important health policy objective. What needs to be done to ensure this? Who has to be doing what? Who has the data and the skills to disseminate the right information?

Research Resources:
If you are interested in contributing to this research, please do contact us at the email listed below.

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Contact: Hari Srinivas - hsrinivas@gdrc.org