Environment and Disaster Management
    Atlas of Our Changing Environment
    on Google Earth

    View UNEP's Atlas of Our Changing Environment on Google Earth

    (If you already have Google Earth installed on your computer skip to step #5.)

    To download and install the Google Earth Browser:

    1. Go to the Google Home page http://www.google.com/
    2. Click the link “Get Google Earth” in the upper right hand corner of that page.
    3. Save the program to a location on your computer.
    4. Navigate to where you saved the download and double click the icon – the Google Earth install wizard will walk you through the rest.

    If you already have Google Earth installed on your computer:

    1. Under Layers (below the green bar in the bottom left corner) click the triangle icon next to “Featured Content”
    2. Click the box next to the blue UNEP icon.
    3. A series of 100 icons will appear all over the globe.
    4. Click any one of these once to see a “popup” with a description of the site.
    5. Click the link “Overlay images on Google Earth” in the lower left corner of the popup to see the images on the Google Earth virtual globe surface.
    6. Click on the link “View more information” to go to the UNEP webpage for the site

    A verion of the Atlas can also be viewed on UNEP's website

Do you have any suggestions or additions to make on the above information? Please send an email to Hari Srinivas at hsrinivas@gdrc.org

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Contact: Hari Srinivas - hsrinivas@gdrc.org