About the GDRC:
Privacy Policy

Last reviewed on

GDRC collects information from our website users, subscribers and virtual fellows as outlined below.

Users do not have to register to use the resources available in GDRC's programme pages. The information is free and open to any user with Internet access (Please see GDRC's Copyright and Disclaimer information)

Private information of users - specifically, name, email, and city/country - are optionally collected only to ensure that response and communication with the user is enabled. This is done when users have a query or suggestions/ideas are sought (eg: GDRC's 'Guide to City Networks').

The name, email, and city/country collected, are used for communications directly with the user. This information is not given, sold or otherwise shared/displayed with any other third party, individually or collectively.

Every page of GDRC has a contact email that enables users to seek further information or answer queries. Asking a question or sending a comment/suggestion may result in a series of email exchanges between the user and GDRC.

GDRC's website hosting service provides GDRC with aggregated (not individual) monthly user behaviour - such as entry and exit pages, time spent on websites, pages/kb downloaded, search string used, browsers used, usage by country etc (using the popular cPanel software - Webalyzer). This information does not contain anything that can identify users personally or individually. GDRC uses this information for internal security, trend analysis and system administration only.

There are no password-protected pages in GDRC for users to visit, and hence no passwords are issued, or users are not needed to register for any purpose.

GDRC does not offer, provide or make available any online advertisements, pay-per-click pages, third party content, or product/service promotions.

No other sensitive information is collected by GDRC, such as race, religion, age, work or home address etc. A postal address may be requested only when a user asks for printed information to be sent to them.

GDRC's website contains links to other websites, and is not responsible for the privacy practices or content of such other sites. GDRC does encourages users to be aware of this when they leave our site, and that privacy and copyright/dislaimer statements of each web site are be different.

If you have further queries regarding GDRC's Privacy Policy, please do contact the Coordinator at -