Environmental Planning
and Management


The EPM Guidebook is an output of the Sustainable Cities Programme, a joint initiative of UNEP, UNCHS, and UNDP


Implementing the Urban Environment Agenda.

Cities of the world are discovering for themselves, through the hard lessons of experience, more effective approaches for dealing with the problems of urban development and environment. In the process, a number of important insights are emerging, increasing our understanding of how better to achieve the aims of Sustainable Development.

Why Improve the Urban Environment.

How to Improve the Urban Environment.

Better Environmental and Technical Expertise.

  • Preparation of Basic Overview Information
  • Involvement of the Stakeholders
  • Setting the Priorities
  • Clarification of Priority Issues
  • Better Environmental Decision-Making.

  • Clarification of Issue-Specific Policy Options
  • Consideration of Implementation Options and Resources
  • Building Broad-Based Consensus on Issues-Specific Objectives and Strategies
  • Coordination of Environmental and Urban Development Strategies
  • Better Implementation of Environmental Strategies.

  • Application of Full Range of Implementation Capabilities
  • Agreement of Action Plans for Implementation
  • Develop Packages of Mutually Supportive Interventions
  • Reconfirmation of Political Support and Mobilisation of Resources
  • Enhanced Managerial Capacities for Environmental Planning and Management.

  • Strengthening System-wide Capacities for EPM
  • Institutionalising Broad-based Participatory Approaches to Decision-Making
  • Strengthening Cross-Sectoral and Inter-Institutional Coordination
  • Enhancing Institutional Capabilities
  • Monitoring, Evaluation, and Adjustment of EPM System
  • More Effective Use of Available Resources.

  • Utilising of Special Opportunities
  • Applying Specific Leveraging Strategies
  • Networking Among Cities
  • Strategic Use of External Support

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