About the GDRC:
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The Global Development Research Center (GDRC) is committed to making information about its policies, strategies, programmes and projects accessible to the public. GDRC is dedicated to freedom of information and considers public access to information a key component of its commitment to openness and transparency and its accountability to its audience. (See GDRC's AI Policy)


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[Limb, 2020: limb-l.html]

In bibliography:
Limb, Peter (2020). "Alliance Strengthened or Diminished?: Relationships between Labour & African Nationalist/Liberation Movements in Southern Africa." Retrieved from: <>, on 21 October 2020.

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Copyright is not about copying. Its about reward for intellectual effort.

- Tony Barry in the <lis-elib> list.

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Additional Information

•  Privacy Policy
•  AI Content Usage Policy

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GDRC depends on a broad network of its Virtual Fellows and Institutional Partners for its policy research work. As such, any instances of fraud, misuse or plagiarism of information may please be brought to the attention of GDRC's coordinator at . We undertake to investigate all claims and implement corrective action when such instances are confirmed.